
How Can I fell sleep fast and sleep well?

by  |  earlier

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Every night I try fell sleep for around 1 hours to 1 hours and half... I sometime got anxiety... I got anxiety last night. I was so worry about three things... But one I know is not going happen... I don't want tell you... I don't want you worry same thing like I do...

How Can I sleep well? So I can be healthy and well... I'm act like weak...

BTW No medicine or drug please...




  1. You have to write down what you are feeling so you can get it out of your head. If that don't work, then do what I do and distract yourself by going to watch funny videos on If that don't work then go into their chat room and talk about whatever is bothering you. If that don't work than you may consider taking a herbal sleep aide before bed. Any of those things should help you. Sometimes the best medicine is to talk about it though. If you feel uncomfortable talking to strangers then call a friend and talk things through.  

  2. No caffiene 2 hours before bedtime.

    Take a long bath before going to bed.

    Don't read or study in bed.

    Make your room as dark as possible and quiet (earplugs if necessary!)

    Once you get in a comfy position try really hard not to move...sometimes I find if I move to much it makes it worse!!

  3. OK.  First.... relax after you are laying down.On your back. Breathe slowly, deeply.    Now,after you do that for awhile, you might notice some calm feelings.  If you do, good.  Then focus on a point anywhere as you're laying on your back.  Don't take your eyes off of it for the time it takes you to count to one thousand,  while breathing slow and deep.  Happy night!!!

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