
How Can I get back my boyfriend who was my on line friend and then my true love? ?

by  |  earlier

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we were really happy together as on-line friends and hen lovers..we used to chat for very long hours and talk on phone hours together...the thing was he never used to call me ..i used o call him up every time.. but that was not a problem for me.. he suddenly told me one day we'll break up ..I really did not know why? but i promised him i'll be very loyal to him and that i was in true love with him!!.. then I came to know from his sister that he already had a girl friend a year ago and that he is going to marry her..i think he is not married because he is just 19 years for now..i came to know all these after 6 months of our relationship and when i asked him for the last time..i think 2 months ago he admitted he loved only that girl and just liked me ... (the day when w broke up finally after 1 month of crying and frustration) ..he stays very far off.. and you know what i have not seen his photo any time but still loved him..he mercilessly betrayed me!!!!




  1. hi r you

  2. just forget that loser. He is not made for you.

  3. that stinks =(  but you dont want to have to love a guy that doesn't love you back, do you?  It would be like filling a bucket with no bottom.  What you really want is to fill it up, right?  You have to seal the bottom to do that!  But of course YOU can't do that because...umm...because er... its umm... HIS bucket!  He can sue you if you try to do anything to his property.  Only HE can seal it with his love...  Dang, I never knew I could sink to such a deep level like that!  Thanks

  4. So sorry you are going through heart break, just know most of us have had our heartbroken at one time or another in our lives. It hurts, but time will heal you. Learn from this experience and know most young guys are only out there to explore and get as many girls as they can. So try and not take anyone too seriously. You are young, now is not the time to fall in love and suffer the pains of heartbreak. It is a time to get an education, explore the world around you, meet all kinds of people, and from this you will grow into a wonderful woman who will one day meet a wonderful guy. This guy lied to you to get what he could from you. At the same time he lied to his girl friend so he can't be that much of a loss. Don't be in such a rush to grow up and fall in love, life has so much more to offer to you. What you do with your time now and your education now will have a high influence on your life in the future. Good luck to you!

  5. its difficult

    but you really have to get over this is problem

    there is no point of getting him back because he don,t love you

    you must move on . just remember him as sweet full memory.

    what ever happens is for the good

    there is someone better waiting for you who really needs you

    so all the best

  6. u dont need him

  7. You dont need him back. you sound like a good true friend and any guy would be lucky to have you. trust me if it was meant to be then it will work itself out. for now just keep your head up! :)

  8. try to find a guy ni real life

  9. internet stuff can be really harmful abt love life and may respond in long wasted time and broken heart

    a few examples :

    a friend of mine, who was not too much intelligent and known to internet chatted to a p**n site automated bot program for 1.4 year till i tol him that its just a program, even though it was a program that guy felt heart broken.

    when i break up with my GF i keep myselves occupied by making a new account on the name of my X gf  and chat to myselves so i dont feel sad

    that really seems weird and out of the world but it simply works,

    insted of finding love on the net find it out of ur home, its near and reliable (atleast u can slap the real one when u break up)

  10. sounds like u need to get out and go for guys that arent on the internet.

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