
How Can I get my old MY Yahoo layout back?

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How Can I get my old MY Yahoo layout back?




  1. Keep complaining, each time you log on, complain. If a product is not making people happy, they must change it or lose business.  Complaining to ad sponsors seems to get results. Your other choice is to roll over and take it...which is what they're betting on.

  2. You can't go back to the former My Yahoo because Yahoo moved everybody to their new supposedly improved version.

    I agree that it's uglier and has fewer formatting choices.  Let the My Yahoo team know about your unhappiness, and be SPECIFIC about the issues, at this page:

  3. yahoo have changed everyone to their new home page by stealth, your old home page is now not recognised by the server so your wasting your time trying to get it back again, it like a new marriage, we are stuck with it for better or worse

  4. You can't.  Yahoo has moved on to the new version and expects everyone to adjust.  In my case, the new version looks like a Picasso painting and I can't find a way to improve it significantly, and I guess I need to move on.  I'm using and am not thrilled with it, but it's workable for now.

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