
How Can I get the gutts to do a backroll on a wakeboard?

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Every year I go to the lake and stay there the whole summer. I have been wakeboarding since I was 12 and I am 16 now. I have mastered the basics and tweeked every grab and 180 as far as they can go. It is time to add more tricks to the book but im scared. please help.




  1. just do it!! im 13 and have been wakeboarding since i was 9. what ive learned to do is just get out and do it. if you dont then after the season is up you regret it. so have fun, close your eyes ( not really), and go for it.

  2. buddy if you do what you say you can do right now

    youve got the ball's to do anything.

    i was scared to go crazy to before but you no i got the basic's down  and then i started practicing on the trampoline and the started to pull 180 backflips and i turned in to 360's and 1080's.

    you needa be in the right state of mind

    you just gotta get out there and really feel it.

    if you dont feel it then dont do it right away

    mess around a bit losin up relax then say iight boy

    your doin it. then just giver all you got.

    its like your first time riding a bike

    we never wanted mom or dad to let us go but wen they did and we got it HA we never needed them again.

    you just gotta do it.

    good luck

  3. just dont even think about it.

    when youre out there thinking about it, dont think twice and just go before you change your mind,

    last season i wouldnt try a bunch of stuff and i regret it but this summer im gonna try to pull so much stuff!

  4. honestly it just comes down to having the guts to go for it.  charge the wake hard and just huck it out there.  you will probably crash your first time, and your second time, and your third time . . . but eventually you will get it.  the hardest time to try it is that first hit, but just remember to commit to it.  its when you hold back that things go really wrong.  my first time trying a tantrum i let go of the rope halfway through, which ofcourse stopped my rotation and i landed square on my head, but guess what, it didnt hurt so i had the guts to really charge it the next time.  good luck, just remember to commit

  5. you probably have already had some nasty falls so how much worse can they be. Tie a rope to a tree and practice on a trampoline.

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