
How Can I practice an Get Better at VolleyBall?

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Im looking forward to Playing JV next year,

Any Advice?




  1. Your best bet is to get a volleyball and practice on your own. Practice overhand passes and bumping against a wall. Once you get that down, see if a friend who is the same level as you, or a little better, will pepper (bump, set, hit) with you and just work on digging. If you can pass well and dig, there is no reason why you won't be able to make JV. Good luck!!

  2. the best thing that i have found is to learn how to control.

    1. Make sure your shoulders are square when you pass, the ball will go where your arms are pointing.


    3. Get a partner and pepper with them, this teaches you to keep the ball in control and will definitely help with your hitting.

    4. Find a wall where there is a high ceiling or go outside against a wall and practice your hitting.( Toss the ball about a foot above the tip of your finger when your arm is stretched up. Hit it when it is level with your hand, towards the wall at the ground. It should bounce back to you and be high enough for you to hit it again.)

    5. Flick your wrist when you hit the ball. This puts topspin on the ball and makes it drop.


    7. When hand passing the ball make a triangle with both your hands, putting your forefingers together and your thumbs together at the tip. Also, make sure that ALL of your fingers touch the ball when you do this.

    8. Above all, follow any hints that people give you or tips and DONT take them as insults, theyre just trying to help you get better.

  3. ok  i am obsessed with volleyball. there are some techniques you can try. first when you ready to bunt the ball, you shrug your shoulders (bring them foward.) you aim the ball in any direction and and it will go toward wherever you want it to. when you are setting, make sure you are always in your ready posission (sqwatting down)  then you sort of just push the ball out toward where you want it to go. spiking, just pretend like you are smacking someone down. over the net. people say the taller in volleyball the better.i am tall for my age. it doesn't make a difference. keep trying and i hope you get better!!


  4. try a volleyball club at your school or in your city. Or if you live near alot of your friends, you can all get together at the gym or in your backyard and practice.

  5. hit against a wall

  6. *  IMPROVED SKILLS:  It is true that the more you play, the better you get.  Through our practice and tournament season, many players see drastic improvement. Many players go on to achieve All-Conference and All-State status in future seasons.

        * NATIONAL COMPETITION:   Players have a chance to improve their skills against players from around the country.  Past opponents have included teams from California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Puerto Rico.

        * TRAVEL:     Tentative plans call for 17-under and 16-under teams to play one tournament that will require an overnight stay in another region of the U.S.  

        * THE CHANCE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE:   Friendships forged during club volleyball often carry over to the regular season and beyond.  Club volleyball teams are typically a blend of players from numerous schools.  Lake Country players often come from schools in the Classic 8 Conference, although players from schools outside the Classic 8 have also been part of LCVB. :-)

  7. form a volleyball group in your shcool,my shcool always has a net so it's like impulse for me and some other 16 people in my shcool just to play it, you get better at it every day by watching other more experienced people.

  8. all you got to do is find a friend who also plays volleyball and rally back and forth so you can practice serving,also try new ways to get better at other things,you can put a little pick up team together and find out how other players play

  9. Well the best thing to do is plan ahead! I made the JV team this year and it was so great!!!( we did great) and it totally snuck up on me! Get a volleyball (you don't need a net but it would help tremendously) Practice your serving, passing, setting, spiking, etc. etc. etc. with a sibling/friend. Mainly your passing though because that is the main thing the coaches are looking for! And most importantly have fun and maintain a positive attitude! If you don't make it is OK!  Just remain hopeful and never give up! That is the key to anything!

  10. practice with a varsity player (if u know any) or talk to the coach and I'm sure that the coach would be willing to come in during the week ends or even during the summer (open gyms are a great way to get better and to meet new friends) also another idea is to play club volleyball it may be a bit expensive put it truly pays off in the long run that's all i can come up with sorry

  11. all you have to do is watch the pros( t.v. or live ) and practice doing what they do. then your sure to get better at v- ball!

  12. If you have a garage or a shed, throw the VB up there & try to hit it up there w/out letting it drop.GOOD LUCK!

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