
How Can My Friend Become Legal?

by Guest62014  |  earlier

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He Has Lived Here 4 A Few Yrs. And Now I Want Him Legal.He Has Been Deported 1 Time.

How Can I Get Him Legal?




  1. if he was deported and returned to the u.s. before the term he is was banned form returning, his deportation order remains in effect and if apprehended he could face time in a federal prison before being returned to his country of origin and permanently banned from immigrating to the u.s.  he or you really needs to consult with an immigration attorney with all the details of the deportation.  

  2. He needs to go back to where he came from and apply for a work or student visa.  If the work/student visa is approved, then he can come back and while working/going to school, he can start the immigration process.  The immigration process is long and he will have to make sure to keep his work/student visa current.

    I'm not sure whether or not the deportation he already has against him will be a hinderance though...

  3. No, especially with the deportation on his record.

  4. He broke the law by coming here the first time illegally. After being deported, he returned again illegally. He is now a felon and could, and should be sent to prison.

  5. Returning illegally after being deported is a felony. If he is caught,he is looking at jail time. Since he returned after his deportation,he will be denied for any type of visa. There is no possible way for him to become legal.  

  6. With his history, I doubt that that is a possibility.  He has been deported once and has a 10 year ban on returning, and yet, here he is again.

    No.  Not a good candidate for being legal in the good old U. S. of A.

  7. A lot of $$$$$$$ and one h**l of a good attorney

    message me so I can recommend you to someone, but I am telling you, his case is extremely difficult.

  8. He can't and since he was already deported once he is banned and if caught will go to prison.  

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