
How Can PARIS Appeal More To Holiday Makers? I Need Your Answer?

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for part of my coursework i need YOUR opinion! =D

so please please please answer this!!!!!!!

how can paris become more appealing to holiday makers?

i need good answers and ideas.. how can paris become more popular??




  1. It doesn't appeal to me at all, it's full of French people!

  2. People complain about the rudeness of Parisian waiters; we'll I've been to the city four times totalling about 35 days, and I have yet to experience that!  

    Patrice wrote about the Metro; I live in Atlanta, where we have a severely limited public transportation system.  I'd give a lot to have a system like the Metro so I could save a ton of money on gasoline.

    No, the only thing I have to complain about with regard to Paris is the legion of men lurking around trying to pick me up.  I swear, last time I was there if I paused for even a moment some man was invading my space, trying to get me to go for a drink with him, and just being a general pest not taking repeated nos for an answer.  There was one who stayed at my side the whole time I window shopped at Carrousel du Louvre.  I kept telling him that I was meeting my (non-existent) husband, but he wouldn't leave me alone till we saw some gendarmes in the corridor.  Another one walked me all the way from the tabac across from my apartment to a shop several blocks away.  I had similar experiences all over the city.  

    I don't know if these guys are con men trying to take advantage of a woman who is obviously American, or if they have nothing better to do because they can't find work, or just what their story is.  So, I guess my recommendation to make Paris a place that more holiday makers would want to go is to find a way to keep these men busy.  

    All that being said, I'm still going back to Paris in September!

  3. Take out the French people!

    Make the Eiffel Tower taller!

    Start serving proper food!

    In all seriousness.... a better nightlife (like Spain) would probably attract more Brits.

    Discount fahion shopping, to go with the nice cheap food and alcohol you can get from French supermarkets. (Known for good clothes shopping but not necessarily affordable.)

  4. I agree. Purge it of French people and more holiday makers might wantto go there.

  5. Let's see,  They could:

    1. Convert Paris into a theme park (it's almost like that anyway).

    2. Replace all the old buildings with modern hotels and restaurants.

    3. Hire people from the U.S. to work in the restaurants and hotels.

    4. Replace all French workers with American workers.

    5. Install a tram system (above ground) similar to Disney World.

    6. Change all the French restaurants into Taco Bell and Mcdonalds.

    7. Destroy all the ugly apartment buildings and move the people outside of Paris.  Replace the buildings with upscale hotels.

    8. Convert the Seine into a water attraction with speed boats and allow swimming.

    9. Build a large beach on the banks of the Seine.

    10. Teach all French people to speak English.

    11. Force all French people to act just like Americans and smile even when they don't feel like it.

    12. Require all French people to take a class in proper manners.

    13. Make most cheese illegal.

    But wait... Already Paris has over 1 million visitors a year and during peak season is already overrun with tourists.  I mean seriously, if you go to the Eifel tower in August it's a crazy place! (thousands of people waiting).

    making it even more popular would pretty much destroy the city as it is today.

    Any change you make now would make it less popular.

  6. eh ben !!! ils n'aiment pas les français les amerloques !!! je citerais donc une fameuse phrase de notre fabuleux président "bah alors casse toi pov'con " !!!

    pour répondre à la question : Faire de Paris une ville propre et rénover le métro.

  7. If you go in August, most of the French won't be there. It is far more bearable.

    If they were a little more polite and didn't try to rip off the tourists so much, that would help, too.

  8. Paris is already the most visited city in the world - a better question would be why it would WANT to appeal more to holiday makers!

  9. Taking the French out of France, eh. Who made France a place everyone want to visit in the first place?

    Take away all the Mc Donalds, Gap, Starbuck. Make tourists more polite. Make tourists aware that French people are not obliged to speak fluent English in their own country or to use customs that are not their own just to please the tourists. But with 70 millions tourists a year I don't think you need to get more of them coming.

    All right, annoyed rant apart. A few more multilingual notices in heavily visited areas to give directions (better than hollering 'Hey, you' at an innocent Parisian trying to go to work). Change the name of Paris-La Defense (an area outside Paris) to La Defense so that unscrupulous travel agents do not use the name to make their clients believe their hotel is in Paris.

  10. Encourage the french people there to speak better English, and not expect English people to speak french.

    But that idea is a bit selfish I guess.

    How about build a ferris wheel the height of the Eiffel Tower

  11. The inhabitants  have acquired a reputation for rudeness and general poor quality of service which  my experience is completely unjust, this is the only issue which needs to be addressed. Paris and it's population are fine

  12. It seems you have a lot of anti- french answers, probobly from people who have never been there or mixed with the very friendly and rightly patriotic french people. Paris already has a lot of things going for it though i do see it as a smaller version of London with less to see and do. It has the same problems as well. Traffic congestion and access in and out of the city is a nightmare. I think a state sponsored very well organised free public transport system based on the Park and Ride principle would open up the city but the thing that is Paris's worst problem is the high prices. I once refused to pay over £3.50 for a 25cl bottle of beer at a cafe and went next door and bought the same bottle from a shop for 40p. High prices makes for exclusivity but it also makes it less appealing.

  13. Ils sont rigolos les gars! Faudrait soit débarrasser le plancher, soit apprendre leur langue. Paris c'est pas le monde merveilleux de mickey les mecs, c'est une ville, en France, et ne vous en déplaise, qui a une identité qui n'est pas anglo-saxonne...Mais rendre la ville plus propre ne serait pas un luxe.

  14. Paris is already totally appealing.  

    Perhaps there could be a website with off the wall suggestions of things to do......

    But an Internet search will already do  that job.....

    How about refusing entry to any English person who thinks it is their god given right to be understood in any country in the world if they speak English in a loud voice?

    Parisians are wonderful people who respond to anyone who is polite. And I include waiters in this statement too..

    well, except for one in 2004.

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