
How Can Recycling help our Enviroment?

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I Need To Know For My Research Project




  1. I agree with Beathen the person who answer your question.

  2. Three main ways recycling is beneficial to the environment:

    1) Recycling uses less new materials - whether this means less man made materials, or less exploitation of resources, either way it is beneficial.

    2)In most cases, recycling use less energy input than creating new products.

    3) Recycing helps to keep waste out of landfills, thus minimizing their size and environmental impact.

  3. By recycling you lessen the amount of man made materials (plastic and metal containers for example) that need to be produced and that end up in a landfill. Not only is the land fill not good for the environment, but the manufacturing and transportation of those goods is harmful as well due to the emissions. Recycling helps us use what we already have in order to make the things we want in the future. Our trash doesn't magically disappear when the garbage collector comes once a week, but instead stays on this planet for many years.

  4. clean clean

  5. Recycling helps the environment in

    many different ways. It means lots more trees, and trees help clean the air we breathe.

    Trees house animals like birds and squirrels. They could prevent mudslides from

    happening by keeping the dirt stronger. One of the most important reasons why trees

    are important is that they give us foods and other natural resources.

    Another way recycling helps the environment is that recycling keeps the local

    landfills or dumps from growing. That means cleaner neighborhoods. You don’t want a

    dirty town or neighborhood, do you? The question I really should ask is do you want

    earth to be covered in garbage? I definitely don’t want the earth to be covered with

    garbage. What I am trying to say is recycling helps keep the environment and earth


    If we recycle, we won’t have to manufacture things as much. You probably don’t

    realize that when we manufacture things, we sometimes pollute the air. Polluting the air

    does not help the environment, it hurts it. We don’t want this to happen. Polluting the air

    hurts our lungs, we won’t be able to breathe, and we might die. Recycling helps us and

    our environment.

    Another reason why recycling helps the environment is that it protects animals.

    Recycling helps animals in the environment by keeping habitats clean and safe. If we

    don’t recycle, the fish or other animals, like turtles, might get stuck in plastic six-pack

    soda can holders and eventually die. The world would not be the same without animals.

    Can you imagine the world without animals? Our world definitely would not be the same

    without animals. Recycling helps animals and the environment.

    Recycling definitely helps the environment and our future. The future of the

    world depends on recycling. If we recycle, earth will have a brighter future. When earth

    has a brighter future, we will too. I don’t know about you, but I want the world to have

    a great future. Let’s do our job and recycle. Help the future and our home (earth).

  6. ENERGY!!

    By recycling the main benefit to all of us in my view is that it takes out the need to waste energy extracting new raw material from the ground in the first place.

    The Landfill problem is secondary to Energy problem. Wether it be plastics,metals or any material. The ammount of energy used to extract the raw material and convert it into a usefull workable commodity is saved by providing manufacturers with sorted recycled materials.  There is still some reprocessing energy required but a great energy saving is made.

  7. recycling helps earth from reproducing products other than cutting tree and wasting natural resource

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