
How Can The Office Of Child Support Enforcement Break The Law To Enforce The Law?

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Once they serve the order of support on my employer, the employer has to start garnishing my wages because if they don't my employer can

A) Be fined and possibly be forced to pay the amount of the order as deemed by the courts

B) Have their business license suspended

This is if you look under the word "BLACKMAIL" or EXTORTION" in a dictionary these are both one and the same, but yet they can easily get away with it, but let me try and extort or blackmail someone and I will get a free stay at the Crossbar Hotel.

Maybe this is wrong but them using someone's social security number without their consent is a crime too? I mean if they can obtain your social security number and freely use it shows your social security number is really a way for the government to track you for their advantage and makes it really worthless!




  1. The bigger the justification the bigger the sellout.  

    You sir, are a punk.

  2. How about this, NO one answered his question?  At no point does he say he is NOT paying child support.  All of those who have told him just to pay his child support should just shut the heck up and go away.

    Did you know that in most of the US that child support is court order, not because the payee is a dead beat but because it helps keep the child off welfare and medicaid

    He is what I think you looking for as to an answer......

    The government can do any thing it wants to anyone.  Until enough people get pissed off and makes it either a Media event, or an election time event the government will continue to violate the basic freedoms that we as humans should have.

    Child support is a responsibility of both parents but the non custodial parent gets it worse.  In many of the cases, the custodial parent deny the non custodial parent visitation or harms the child by saying horrid things about the non custodial parent, yet the government does nothing to punish these child abusers.  YES child abusers.

    When the courts stop allowing children to be used as weapons and starts equally punishing parents who don't pay child support and who deny visitation then it will be a fair system

    Until then, its just one more log on the fire to America's 2nd Revolution.

  3. OK ill be on your side on this one but i do agree kids 1st

    1st they always charge you more then you can afford so your ex can spend the money on hair dos a new car get her nails done etc your supposed to work 2 jobs to pay for this and because your working all the time now you don't have time to do visitation or you're so tired you don't do much during your visitation its meant to work this way so that they can say the still let you see your kid and its your fault that you cant make it work it nothing but a trick giving all the power to the mom.

    2nd when they take your money they hardly ever give it to the mom or just a small percent fees and court cost ect" they need leather chairs and band new HDTV for their office .the fact that they act like they are on the moms side sickens me they only care about making money off you even if your paid up they will still take and take and take.

    3rd i know moms that have 3 kids with 3 dads(they planned it this way) 3 checks every month plus her job means she's rich now.

    4they can do what they want if you really need a break file motion claiming hardship it will stall the process for now then make my points in court "how can you be a good father if you have to work 2 jobs to pay for this" ect

    5 th if you are a good dad visit with your kids and see them all the time their is a underground fathers movement that can help

    but you have to prove that your a good dad

    finally social security is just a way for the gov to keep control and track you live the hacker code spend only cash use SS of dead person for work or get a job using cash only. start your own business keep no records ect basically get lost in the crowd if they cant find you they cant tax you except when you buy something sales tax

    good luck be a good dad visit your child love him or her if you take care of the child 1/2 time you don't have to pay child support cover the child with work heath care you can deduct this from your payments of you involved then your don't have to pay go to the self help desk at Court house they will help you have a good attitude and don't say anything bad about your ex just that you want to be a good dad they will help

    as for all you ***'s who cant feel for this guy you have never been in his shoes and its easy to judge isn't it.

  4. Hmmm, I tend to agree with the previous answer.  Stop being a deabeat and take care of your kids.  You went to court for this, you knew it was coming.  Don't think you'll get any sympathy on this one.

  5. I can answer that Serpico7. A lot of states just go right to the employer now. No chance for the "offender" to be given the opportunity to pay on his own. He didn't have to violate a court order.  I went thru a civil action The DA was not involved but EX asked the court she be paid according to state law which is in fact garnishment of  wages

    Ha I'll be smiling when some of you actually find out what it's like.  Just one tidbit as example. I'm not in arrears,My daughter is 18 out of school working for at least ten$ an hour. Yet I'm still paying child support for her over a year because the EX is evading and delaying the proceedings to cancel.

  6. Try being a man about it and just pay your child support.

  7. What, did you not like the responses the first time you posted this question ? Just because nobody agreed with you that what has been done "to" you is illegal ?

    Maybe a stay at the "Crossbar Hotel" would do you some good. If you don't want to support your child/children, you belong there with the rest of the criminals.

  8. You fathered the children. Pay for their support. If you get up to date there's no reason for your wages to be garnished. Or would you prefer having taxpayers pick up the burden for your personal responsibility?

  9. Rather than answer that long and tedious question, I'll ask this one.

    How can someone flagrantly disregard his legally-binding child support order, extenuating the now realized fact he is a deadbeat dad who deserves no respect whatsoever from the humble masses of Y/A? Furthermore, to what extent does afore mentioned user expect us to show in terms of sympathy, when he has enough money to relegate time to post self-serving, cowardly, and emasculating questions instead of working to support his offspring? It is further realized as truth that said user can afford money for his own personal computer, yet not put food on his own child's table.

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