
How Can To Class On Time?

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I'm going to be a freshman in high school, and the attendance is very strict. I have 7 classes, and they are all far apart from each other, and the worse thing is that so is my locker. What should I do?




  1. ☼ Arrive at school 15-20 minutes before the bell rings.

    ☼ Go straight to your locker and get books for the first half of the school day.

    ☼ Go straight from class to class, not using too much time to mingle, drink water or use the bathroom. (If you have to go, wait for a time in class when things start to slow down and ask the teacher for a pass. Otherwise, you'll have to plan how much/when to drink water.)

    ☼ Before or during your lunch time, drop off the morning books and get books for your afternoon classes. Try to eat and relax a bit. This would be a great time to mingle, drink water and use the bathroom. (Some teachers WON'T let you "go" if they have you in their class right after lunch.

    ☼ Follow the same routine as you've done in the morning.

    Not only will you decrease the chances of you being late to class, you'll learn how to prioritize and use your time wisely. This is essential for your future life as an adult. TRUST ME!!

  2. Carry books with you all the time. example: if you have algebra first period and science second period and they are far apart, take your algebra and science book with you to algebra and don't go to your locker between first and second period

  3. go to your locker as quickly as possible. then run to your classes or jog. make sure you don't mingle and talk in the hallways. that's a big NO NO if you want to be on time lol. or you can take your books with you. like if you have math then English next, take both binders and then go to your locker quickly and drop the math one off.

  4. Find friends with lockers close to the classes you going to, or see if you can keep your books in the class room, or go to a Dean and see if you can have your classes or locker changed

  5. get those folders that are like plastic bags that you can zip. Buy one for each subject and then lable them. For each subject, put the stuff you need for that subject so that when you go and get your books, grab the corresponding folder. That would save time because you wont need to look for individual notebooks and stuff. and also walk as fast as you can and DONT talk to your friends

  6. just start pushing people in your way. not shoveing because that could get some people pissed off. just slide them out of your way.

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