
How Can We Be More Involved in World Affairs?

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I found this really interesting set of pics - - and I'm wondering what can we do to be more involved? How do you react when you see such contrast in the world?

Many of us are faring much better than the people in these images (the ones on the right side). Do you have any suggestions for action?




  1. Latest News-

  2. I am from that part of the world where things are a lot uglier than the West, and I would preferred that YOU DO NOT get involve at all. Because, when you do it is political and not for the sake of assisting poor people. Many organizations that came to help are influenced by regional politics and therefore change their mindsets. Every problem has a root and cause, and I think it is more wise to ask why these people are this way than jumping to a conclusion and call for help. If people lived their lives, without Western corporate creed influencing their politics and creating a mess, or the supporting their brutal leaders for the sake of your own interests it obviously means YOU ARE NOT HELPING. I think if these people lived their lives without THE WEST involved in their politics it would've been a lot better, and live better. The impoverished people that you saw in these photos are simply victims of wealthy dictators' policies supported by the West, and in some cases the West helped them came to power.


  3. Those pictures make me weep, yes. I wish I could make their lives better, in whatever way possible. If there is a way I will commit to it but like so many others I don't actually know how. If I give money, (which I do) how can I be sure that it reaches them and not the pockets of gun buying dictators and corrupt officials? Is going there constructive? I have my family to look after. If we, the developed world were to act and dedicate properly towards forcing our governments to give (more productively) then that may help but don't forget that our esteemed governments are responsible for selling so many weapons in such countries and taking much needed money away from those people. There is, in-fact, more than enough funds in the world for us to bring these impoverished people to prosperity and we really wouldn't miss the money, but there just isn't enough will to see it through, tragically. How about, you make a suggestion to me and I promise you, I will do my absolute best to make it happen. I really will try my damnedest to do it. I will suggest to you that you could send at least 300 Awareness Emails, and you could try and see that through. This is something we can do, prompt each other to action.

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