
How Can We Lawfully Establish Democracy In Other Countries We Don't Represent?

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Democracy can not be found anywhere in the U.S. Constitution.




  1. Our constitution and the wisdom therein is flexible enough that even our present government could take on the face of any other democracy elected in similar fashion.

    Now would you rather let the n**i, Communist, Dictator, or

    Therocracy run the free world?

    Then show us by example. Go to any of these countries and help them organize and move their influance across our boarders. If you happen to go to the Crazy Moslums cpountry you might loose your head just for showing up.

  2. I agree with you my friend.  Which is why I oppose our current mission in Iraq.  If our government wants to ask the Iraqi government if we can lease land to build a base to house our troops then so be it, I would not be opposed to that.  What I oppose is our troops patrolling the streets of Iraq, getting killed by Iranian insurgents and proxies in the name of "nation building".  I'm proud of our troops, and truly believe that they won the war in Iraq, I think it's a shame that now that the major missions in the war has concluded, our government has seen fit to make our boys policemen in a country that can, and should govern itself.

  3. No we hide behind cloak and dagger under the premise of "National Security".

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