
How Can We Make Our Planet Environment Friendly?

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Our Planet is Suffering From Pollution Of all Kinds.

Global Warming Is Making Our Earth A Dangerous Place To Live. So Give Your Opinions On How To Reduce This.




  1. 1 - Stop exponential population growth.

    An increase in population density increases the amount of trash and pollution, and also puts more strain on the farmlands needed to sustain our food supply.  

    2 - Stop burning things to produce energy.  Solar, wind, geothermal, and various hydro-electric used in combination could be made into a viable option. Just about any naturally occurring kinetic energy can be converted into electricity.

    3 - Design and build green buildings. Heat generated by buildings and road surfaces cause hotter micro-climates in our cities.  

    4 - Increase vegetation around the world.  We need more plant-life to help remove some of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  Large scale CO2 scrubbers are another option, but would require a lot of energy to operate.

  2. Over the years, ive learned that people are utterly hopeless, so obsessed with fast food, entertainment and money. But what people dont tend to realize is the fact that all of that will end some day if we keep it up.

    If you do have the urge to go somewheere, WALK the distance. If its too far, call yer friends and see if you can set up a carpool of some sort. If you cant find a ride, and you absolutely have to go there, drive it. But dont drive the next day. Im pretty sure that most americans have the ability to be entertained at home.

    There's plenty more things you can do, but i think cars are the main reason

  3. I think every one in this planet should participate in environmental protection. We all should start in our community. We should all use less plastic  bags, to consume the least energy, drive less, try to car pool to work and back home, try to use buses as much as possible, and try to walk all the short distance trips. Hong Kong is known as the most polluted city in this world. In view of Tim Flannary website, the famous Australian weather scientist described Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world. Hong Kong is the symbolic city of dangerous to live in this world. The government doesn't want to ban the two coal fired power generating stations which continuously have black sky all year round for the past five consecutive years. The bunker fuel used by the ferry boats are choking and smelly and absolutely unbearable to those ferry boats' passengers and anglers in the harbor fronts. I need to cover my mouth with one hand while walking on the streets where buses and diesel trucks are running. The car flow capacity is greater than 400/km with API (Air Pollution Index) of 60 to 100 in most of the days year round. The World Health Organization is recommendation is 30 API is acceptable range. Hong Kong has recorded more than 10 million clinical visits for the treatment of air pollution affected diseases of asthma, heart and lung. Hong Kong has a death toll of 3,000 caused by Hong Kong foul air last year.

    Hong Kong citizens should write petition and submit to the fascist chief executive, Donald Tsang Yum-kuen to ban the environment unfriendly fossil fuels of coals, bunker and diesel.

    Hong Kong is experiencing the same kind of pollution of Co2, So2, Nox and particulates resembled to the great fog of London of 1952 that killed many but less than what killed in Hong Kong last year. The following website stressed in Hong Kong pollution may support my answer.

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