
How Can We Raise Healthy Kids in America??

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How do we raise physically and mentally healthy kids in America?

American kids today are obese, inactive, stressed, and ravaged by gangs and voilence, how can we change that?




  1. shun fast food.

  2. Improve the school system, and do everything you can to get kids to stay in school. Studies have shown that the longer you stay in school, the less likely you are to get into gangs/crime/drugs/etc.

    Have drug and s*x educaiton in schools

    Teach children from a young age what 'good' and 'bad foods are; don't allow fast food often (but don't deprive them completely of it, because then they'll want it more.) Make sure schools do not sell soda, and provide healthy lunches.

    Make it mandatory in schools for children to participate in an after-school sports program, in addition to taking gym. Parents shoud also impress upon children the importance of exercise, and try to encourage them to find a sport that they enjoy.

  3. You can`t, that race is over.

  4. Have 1 day where every committed offense is required by law to have an adult felony charge to the highest degree. Then we'll see if crime goes down. That also includes Truancy. Only 1 day, though. There should also be a benefit plan for kids to lose weight and do healthy activities and gain rewards for doing so. The first one may be a little harsh, but it will probably work.

  5. I dunno. Take the cheetos bag out of their pudgy hands. Get rid of Mcheartattack and all those other fast food restaurants. ban the use of hydrogenated oils. Maybe parents should  do something like, allot their kid 1 hour of television for every 1 hour of physical activity.

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