
How Can You Go About Getting a Students visa For a year in Europe?

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I would like to spend time in Europe as a student volunteering.




  1. Where do you live? If you are a national of a Country inside the EU you don't need a visa for any other member country, you may or may not need a passport though. If you are an american citizen, the same applies for most countries. the most noteable exeptions are Russia and many of the former Soviet republics, other then the baltic states (i.e. Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) and Poland. If you are trying to go to Germany as the category of your question implies, your visa will be granted by customs upon entry. This only applies for shorter trips. Otherwise, you should contact the United Nations, Redcross, or some other large international organization, in the case of the UN you will be allowed into most countries relitively eaisly (this is especially crucial if you plan to go to Russia, I can speak from experience in saying that open heart surgery on a new born is almost eaiser then getting a student visa from Russia without a diplomatic backing). Also getting a International Student Identity Card (ISIC for short) is very helpful, your school may issue them and they will cost around $10.00 USD. IF your school doesn't try getting one from travelcuts. This will prove invaluable especially when you try to make a long distance call to back home.

  2. You can ask in the embassy of the country that you want to visit.

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