
How Can You Make Sure Your Weaknesses Are Not Visible For Others To Take Advantage Of..??

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How Can You Make Sure Your Weaknesses Are Not Visible For Others To Take Advantage Of..??




  1. You can't hide from...

    "The All-Seeing Pocko Eye!"

    Dooooo Wah!

  2. show off your weaknesses.  let God protect you.  when we are weak, God is at His strongest.  

  3. a very smart person and know to keep the mouth shut, not me.

    a good one

  4. wear a mask of a Lion

  5. they are visible ,it shows mostly in your body language/posture  

  6. I've trained myself to not show emotion in public.  Work on your poker face and don't let your body language give you away!

  7. Cloaking oneself is not foolproof.  But, growing a third eye (or mind's eye) can certainly help in being able to see when another is taking advantage of you.  It takes experience or a willingness to allow others to warn you of the danger...or both.

  8. I wouldn't be a weakness if it couldn't do serious damage to you. It's impossible to hide them forever. The best you can do is try to accept it and interact with people who can accept you for your strengths and weaknesses. Over time your walls break and the mask you hide behind comes down. It happens to everyone.  

  9. Mace everyone else so they can't see anything at all.

  10. Practice!  It takes a lot of practice and years of experience to be good actors...and a few of life's knock will help you along the way.  Ultimately you will get the hang of it...

  11. This is a Weakness already.....

    This is one of my weaknesses...

    When I am vulnerable, when I am weak, almost anyone can see. Sometimes, strangely enough, this quality turns out to be a peculiar kind of strength ...

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