
How Can You Now You Love Figure Skating?

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15 Years Old And Start Skating and Is Become Very Good





  1. you'll know. it just comes. you'll really realize when you always want to be on the ice. and skating always can make you smile. and when you had a bad day and you go to skate the stress and everything off. you do it because you want to not because you have to. you'd rather skate then do anything else. it's all you can think about. i mean it's pretty obvious

  2. when you get on the ice and every care in the world just goes away. it makes it feel like thats where you belong.

  3. It;s a feeling like no other in the world. Like its just you and the ice. You know when you stick your tougne out while your concentrateing and your coach says to stick it back in if u fall u get hurt. U know you love it when all you can think about is it. You start finding ways to go and continue doing it to do it more. I joined a synchro team. U'll relize it when ur sitting in your bedroom and you think "i wish the ice rink was open, i would love to go skate" when you hear a piece of music and think "that would be really nice to skate to" when you want to medal, when you don't care if u medal or not and u do it for the fun of it.

    That's when you'll relize how much you enjoy it.

  4. You're at the rink early to get on.

    You're the last getting off and your coach calls you, "Jeffrey Buttle", "Johnny Weir" or "Evan Lysacek".

    Everwhere you go when you hear a song, you wonder if it's good for skating.

    You're in the mall with your girlfriend and she calls you out "for doing jumps in the halls".

    You'd rather do your off-ice training than watch TV.

    When you get to be 18 you do a search online and join Competitive Adult Skaters Yahoo Group to join the rest of us sick addicted passionate about figure skating nuts.

    See ya at CAS in 3 years.

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