
How Can a 12 year old make money???

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I am already babysitting my little sis 2 days a week over summer. But I still would like something to do on the other 3 days. Have any idea's???




  1. Its hard for a child to make money especially under the age of sixteen. When i was twelve I made money in several ways. I sold candy door to door from junior careers, I do not know if the company still exist, it was a long time ago. This day and age it is very scary for a child to go door to door to sell candy and different items, People can be very evil. When I was a child it was a lot safer but now i would not take the risk. You can babysit friends younger children. You can also ask your parents if they can sett up allowance money for you my doing chores around the house. These are just a few Ideas, I hoped that i helped you in some way. Just enjoy being a kid while it last because before you know you will be an adult with many responsibilities.

  2. Try to find more baby sitting jobs. You can also go around the neighborhood to see if their yards needs mowing. You can also try to get a paper route.

    One of the things my nephew does is he sets up yardsales. Go around your house and ask your parents if you can sell stuff they do not need or sell your clothes that you do not wear.

  3. A raise for babysitting them, and the other 3 days hang with friends, all around or get alone time and just chill and do w/e u enjoy

  4. Help with dishes, setting the table, feeding the pets, sweeping the floor, doing yard work, etc.

  5. Aww dude, that's nice.

    How about doing a paper round?

    Learn to build websites really well and sell them online (ONLY IF you are good at them)

    Or use other skills. Have a look at the elance website, its freelancing where you do projects for people.

    Or you could learn how to play poker/win on fruit machines.

    Or you could sell your old junk on ebay. What's useless to you may be valuable to someone else!

    Sit down and think about it =)

  6. Ask your parents if they'll pay you if you mow the lawn or wash the car.

  7. u can mow.

    or babysit.

  8. Make little flyers & put them in your neighbors mailboxes -- Advertise child & pet sitting, car-washing/detailing, and house cleaning (and anything else you prefer to do).

  9. may be watch ur parents and ask them money and spend the 3 more days happily with joy in a peacefull place.

  10. Do the dishes, wash laundry, mow the know, earn an allowance.

  11. Mow lawns, walk dogs, empty trash for elderly in your neighborhood, my 12 year old collects soda cans and sells them,

  12. Yes, you should cut grass, or sell lemonade. That's about all a 12 year old kid can do.


  13. mow lawns it takes me about 2 hours but i make like $30.

  14. I used to mow lawns (We had a riding lawnmower, so it was easy!), you could dog walk, have your parents help you sell stuff on Ebay, have a yard sale, pull weeds for neighbors....

  15. do dishes 4 realitives that what i do and i make $10 and the i mow their lawn 4 $10 or $10 an hour.

  16. cut grass, do dishes, clean elderlys homes....

  17. clean house.

  18. put a dollar under a tree and pray that someday it will grow more on the tree

  19. this is easy for me because i have a 12 year old step son...cut grass,clean peoples yards,houses

  20. Well down here in the south we cut grass or babysitt the neighbors kids. Or odds and ends around the house and your neighbors houses also. Find out what he or she likes to do and go from there. And maybe you can find him a temp job for some store/company. I know he/she is only 12 but it will help he/she in the long run to learn the hard earned dollar!!! And thats what kids need to do this day in age.

  21. So many answers already and none of them mention blackmail. So anyone in your area whom you could prey on?

  22. Walk dogs, water plants while someone is on vacation, babysitting is great!  How much are u being paid??  I get paid 5 for my sis and 8 for other ppls kids!  (I'm 13)  I also took a Red Cross Babysitting Course, so that helps alot... Ppl are willing to pay more in order to keep their kid safe!!  Also if u r a girl u could have a craft sale!  I also wash the windows in my parents cars, we have 3.  I hope this helps!

  23. go out to find a job i am the 16 and the age of 13 i find a gob like tham=nk

  24. Maybe ask ur parents if u could do anything else around the house for them to make a lil extra money.. Or ask friends of the family an other immidiate family members..

  25. mow lawns

    wash cars

    babysit some more

    walk dogs

    clean attics and basments

    get a loan from your parents

  26. mow lawns?? my little brother is 12 and he does that and believe it or not he makes about 20 bucks a yard and mows between 4 or 5 lawns on the weekend. I am sure if he did it through the week he would make more! Good luck ...

  27. paper round?

    mowing neighbours lawns?

  28. if you are allowed mow the grass

    do the dishes

    feed and water the pets if you have any

    mow other peoples grass for $5

  29. check out this site has pretty good ideas

    hope it helps

  30. mow grass, wash cars, walk dogs, work on peoples yards

  31. You could print up a flyer to deliver to all the houses in your neighborhood. Offer services such as doing their dishes, sweeping, moping, vacuuming, walking/feeding their animals, raking, mowing, dusting, babysitting their kiddos.

    I really give you kuddos for wanting to be busy and productive this summer instead of just hanging around and getting into trouble! Good for you!

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