
How Can do 4 backhandspngs without hurting my wrist

by  |  earlier

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Im on a Allstar Cher Team

and Iam working on my r-off b-handsring 4

butmy wrist start to hurt during the 3rd one

what should i do?




  1. o i had this same thing happen to me! i even went to the doctor to get an x-ray. but he said that nothing was really wrong with it and that most gymnist have the same problem and he pretty much just told me to make sure that i warm up my wrist and roll them very good before i tumble. and he just gave me an wrist brace. (wich was pointless because i couldnt tumble in the stupid thing?!)

    so just make sure that you work with your wrist a bunch before tumble. mine have gotten better but they do end up hurting every now and then  :)

    well i hope i helped you some- good luck!

  2. ou need to keep your wrists straight when you tumble.

    also if you are thinking about getting wrist gaurds, please use it as a last resort

    yes, wrist gaurds help a bunch, but people get too dependent on them, and they start beleiving that they can't do anything without them

    so you need to do some wrist strengthening excercises

    Good Luck. :)  

  3. Maybe you are turning your wrist in, like you do for a round off. Or perhaps, you need to swing your arms back faster.  

  4. well first be sure to really warm up your wrists. i also recomend using wrist braces. tiger paws is a really nice brand of wrist braces. i use them during gymnasics practice and they really help! they are a little expensive but they are totally worth the money!

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