
How Can i Cross From Buffalo, New York To Canada??Thanxz?

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Cross, Bufallo New York , Canada




  1. It is not difficult, I think that there is about 3 different bridges to cross in that general vicinity.  Just follow the signs that say "to Canada" and you are there.  You will have to pay a fare to cross the bridge, and you will also have to stop at customs.  Bring photo ID  a passport is the best.

  2. I drive over the rainbow bridge

  3. From Buffalo,  the most direct route is the Peace Bridge,which  spans the Niagara river, and it leads to Fort Erie, Ontario. At the Ontario  end of the bridge, you wlil have to stop for inspection by the Canadian Border Secuirty Agency's inspectors.

    Be prepared to show that you are an American citizen, with a US birth certificate and a photo ID card , such as a state driver's licence.  A US passport is the best form of identification.

    You will be asked questions, about how long you plan to be in Canada. Where you are going in Canada, and if you  have any weapons or guns with you.. Remember that no one has a right to  enter Canada, except a Canadian who is returning to Canada. Canada retains the right to deny entry to those who are found to be lying , or have a  felony criminal record in the USA.

    Be honest and answer the questions clearly,and you will be fine.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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