
How Can i get my Charity started??

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Hi! My name is ______ And im starting a charity to send cd-players, outlets, and CD's to Minors everywhere they cant enjoy music, It's called Music for Minors and i really want this to take off, i need help starting my charity. My Goal is to spred all genres of music to children from areas not doing as well as our own, to orphanges in America, the reason i want to give every single child the chance to listen to musc is because music is what ii grew up with from twisted sister to Flobots to ABBA to MIA, and i know my life would be very dull without music and such, so i want to give the chance of growing up with music to children who dont have parents and live tough lives, all i need is to get started, so far i have a little bit of money and a handful of CD's so odviously i dont have much to start with, but even if nobody thinks my idea is good, or so-so i still want to go through with it...If anyone can help me that'd be great!!




  1. maybe just to start it off you can go into a community library or something and do a presentation for the kids. Open up different types of music to them. If they like it, spread the word. See how it goes.

  2. that is a great idea= You could most likley get them from all over the world if people send them 3rd class of find an easy way to get them to you==But you would ave to expect a wide viraty of music, which in fact is what it's all about==You will have to have a spot close to the areas you are sending theese for transportation reasons= not to metion overhead every time you turn around== CD players by the truck load= plus trucks, insurance maintence, an agent=gas = drivers= delivery personial, secraterys=== I got an idea for ya= Every city has a public raido station= Put a fun skit together about your progect= get a local raido station involved, bring good attention towards it== get it started= if you don't do it , it might never get done==I have a dozen CD's i will send, matter of fact i'll send a bakers dozen= one for luck, Laciano Pavarotti (featured works)= don't worry i got the beatles, beach boys, sting and elton== so gooood byyy yellllow briccck roooad====

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