
How Can i make a room hotter without using high wattage lights or turning the heating on?

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How Can i make a room hotter without using high wattage lights or turning the heating on?




  1. buy some solar curtains they can be found in magazines  like harriet carter or carol wright and they can be turned out to reflect heat in summer and in to heat in the winter .Then do some baking late in the evening .Some cookies are nice or a cake or a pie.I also hear those electric stoves are very nice for warmth .I do lots of winterizing around here with stripping for the windows and doors and if its a old house put plastic on the inside of the place it sure helps .Good luck

  2. what are u planning to grow?

  3. Make a fire.

  4. bring hot chicks to ur home

  5. insulate the walls, and floor and possibly ceiling

    Have fun

  6. have sizzling s*x

  7. have a party

  8. close all the windows, add in some strippers, pig-out on hot-n-spicy chili con carne!

  9. Yes those nasty cops are out there with heat detection kit and power usage meters. Makes it a bit difficult to get good growth on the hash crop. Try hanging polythene curtains around the place and sweat a lot.

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