
How Can the Out of Control, Extremist, California Supreme Court Be Stopped?

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First, homosexual marriage is imposed on the state unlawfully. Now, doctors with religious scruples may not refuse lesbians artificial insemination, in violation of the Free Exercise Clause.




  1. Stop Democrats from anointing judges, that refuse to follow the laws. Notice how after democrats lose at the ballot box they try to have the court overturn the results (Gore Jr.).

  2. Homosexual marriage is not imposed.  It is a right of all free Americans.  Restricting people of responsible personal freedom is totalitarian.

    Yes, doctors should be able to refuse anything they want.

  3. I guess the only way is to stop appointing Republican judges.

    EDIT: LMAO at all the people who can't be bothered to do two seconds of research online to discover that 6 of the 7 California Supremes were appointed by Republican governors.

  4. I have the perfect solution for you.......pack all your fishing poles, shotguns, broken down cars, tobacco-stained Budweiser tee shirts and your many overweight children in your trailer and move to a state that believes you should be able to impose your values on other people.

    EDIT: That was was quite the response. Not only do the Christian far right notoriously embrace tolerant, egalitarian benevolent, pacifism.

    No, definitely not.

    Rhetoric like "out of control" and "extremist" are also words that are commonly used in law school debate classes when describing state Supreme Courts.

    Interesting theories my bible-blinded friend.......Not well supported, but interesting just the same. Keep up the good work.

    Here let's make a compromise, I will not get all bent out of shape about hippie jokes as long as you promise not to freak out about redneck jokes.

  5. The US Supreme Court

  6. It can't be stopped with all the left wing liberal socialist Democrats in California. If I were you, I would move out. I don't even go there to visit because it's practically unrecognizable as a state.

  7. Arnold is gonna have to go "Commando" on 'em

  8. By voting them out when they come up for re-election, which they do every six years.  But no person who holds himself out to render services to the public may condition such service on any religious tenet -- and that includes doctors and pharmacists.

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