
How Can we consider Prophet Muhammad P-B-U-H and Ghulam Mirza to be one and the Same?

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Mirza's WAHI informs him:

"'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo, ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named me Mohammed and Messenger as well." (Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.207)

"Anyone who differentiates between me and MUSTAFA (pbuh), he has not seen me and has not recognize me." (Roohani Khazain vol 16 p.171)

How can we COMPARE a Noble Personality of that of Prophet Muhammad P-B-U-H and that of a Person ( Ghulam Mirza ) who uses Swear Words?




  1. The Last Prophet was Prophet Muhammed

    In 3:81 God described exactly the function of the Prophet (Nabi) and the function of the Messenger (Rasoul). Both definitions come in the middle of a very important verse that is dealing with the Messenger of the Covenant. For the sincere believer both definitions are clear and well described by the Teacher of the Quran, the Most Gracious.

    "God took a covenant from the PROPHETS, saying, "I will give you the SCRIPTURE AND WISDOM. Afterwards, a MESSENGER will come to CONFIRM all existing scriptures.  You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant?" They said, "We agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you." 3:81

    Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall translated 3:81 as follows:

    "When Allah made (His) covenant with the PROPHETS, (He said): Behold that which I have GIVEN you of the SCRIPTURE AND KNOWLEDGE. And afterward there will come unto you a MESSENGER, CONFIRMING that which ye possess.  Ye shall believe in him and ye shall help him. He said: Do ye agree, and will ye take up My burden (which I lay upon you)in this (matter)? They answered: We agree. He said: Then bear witness. I will be a witness with you."

    Verse 3:81, among many other verses, provides the definitions of "Nabi" (Prophet) and "Rasoul" (Messenger). Thus, "Nabi" is a messenger of God who delivers a new scripture, while "Rasoul" is a messenger commissioned by God to confirm existing scripture; he does not bring a new scripture. According to the Quran, every "Nabi" is a "Rasoul," but not every "Rasoul" is a "Nabi." It is not logical that God will give a scripture to a prophet, then ask him to keep it exclusively for himself, as stated by some Muslim "scholars" (2:42, 146, 159).

    The Quranic definition of Prophet, and how all the prophets were given Scripture to deliver, is also confirmed in the following verse:

    "The people used to be one community when God sent THE PROPHETS as bearers of good news, as well as warners. HE SENT DOWN WITH THEM THE SCRIPTURE, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes" 2:213

    Those who are not sufficiently familiar with the Quran tend to think that Aaron was a "Nabi" as stated in 19:53, who did not receive a scripture. This claim can only be made by those who do not believe the Quran, since God ascertains in 2:213 that all the prophets were sent with the Scripture.  Moreover, the Quran clearly states that the Torah was given specifically  "to both Moses and Aaron" (21:48, 37:117).


    MORE PROOFS from the Quran


    Whenever God mentions prophethood in the Quran, He mentions scripture and sometimes wisdom.  The association of prophethood and scripture cannot be missed except by those blocked by God from seeing the truth.  The following are some examples:

    "Never would a human being whom GOD blessed with the scripture and prophethood say to the people, "Idolize me beside GOD." Instead, (he would say), "Devote yourselves absolutely to your Lord alone," according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn." 3:79

    "Those were the ones to whom we have given the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood. If these people disbelieve, we will substitute others in their place, and the new people will not be disbelievers." 6:89

    "We granted him Isaac and Jacob, we assigned to his descendants prophethood and the scriptures, we endowed him with his due recompense in this life, and in the Hereafter he will surely be with the righteous."  29:27

    "We have given the Children of Israel the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood, and provided them with good provisions; we bestowed upon them more blessings than any other people."  45:16

    "We sent Noah and Abraham, and we granted their descendants prophethood and the scripture.  Some of them were guided, while many were wicked."  57:26

  2. Brother Waqqas !  When he can be maryam,and can get pregnant with Essa for ten months ,and thats how he bcame esa Ibn Maryam

    So any thing could happen ,U can expect any thing from them.

    They can proof you 2+2 = 5

    Plz Qadyanis! answer my question ,

    Edit @

    1qfac... said the same thing which i told earlier ,

    that their scholar ,(Whom i talked to on the phone in Washington ) ask me to do .

    Read one page b4 .

    when i read  the previous page ,He gave me iIlogical interpretation of that quote,

  3. Brother,

    Say to "Yeah Right" that show your verses then,

    why r u so quiet??


    brother ASK a question that why in the world are Qadyanis not translating their books??

    Qadyani headquarters have decline the request to translate Mirza's books!!!!!


    i tell u why,

    bcoz they r afraid that the young generation will seek the truth themselves,

    If Mirza is a Prophet,then why is his books are not translated and kept secret????

    That's a Million dollar question

    what did the Qadyani H.Q say??

    "We cannot permit you to translate or publish the books written by the Holy founder of Ahmadiyya movement In Islam,Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyan,IN ANY LANGUAGE"

  4. with all respect to my ahmady brothers and sisters .. but we can not consider Muhammad (pbuh) and Ghulam Mirza the same !

    cuz prophet muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet according to the noble quran ! and there wasn't anything in the quran considering another prophet after Muhammad (pbuh)

  5. My expectation to answer questions regarding quotes of Hazrat Ahmad (as) is evidence you've read the book yourself, either in the original language or a translation done by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

    Otherwise it is a waste of your time and my time and those of this forum especially.  I've answered every question in the past regarding quotes, and true to what I predicted, all you do is find new quotes from new anti ahmadi websites.  More than once now people have posted quotes that don't even exist and are just made up.  Is this what a Muslim does?

    This puts you, sadly, in the same category of those who assault Islam with websites like etc.  I do not associate with such people who assault Islam with those websites, and thus it does not make sense Islamically to associate with those who assault the Messiah and Mahdi sent by Allah with those type of websites.

    If you have read the book, show me by posting at least 1 page from before the quote in question, the quote in question, and 1 page after the quote in question.  Then I will gladly answer it, you have my word in writing.

    Allah bless you brother.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. Good point, Waqas. Yeah---! If they can abuse Allah, no big deal if they abuse Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

    If the 1qfac couldn't reply to ur question regarding the abuse of God by Mirza, what do u expect?

  7. Please provide links from Ahmadi sources. Many people slander false teachings on the web. There are also intentional mistranslations. They do the same to the Quran distorting the message and language. So it would be better if you posted links from Ahmadi sources.  You are obviously copy-pasting these from anti-Ahmadi websites.

    I'm not an Ahmadi, but they themselves regard prophet Muhammad higher than Mirza Ghulam.

    Another request I have. Please ask users to refrain from vulgar language and abusive behaviour. Just as you'd like people to do so when they question Islam.

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