
How Come Billiards Was Stigmatized As A Game For "Bad People"?

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This attitudes have died down greatly but it wasn't the same almost 60 years ago. Even in pop culture and general attitudes, people associated billiards with crooked people, immoral, and only for males.

One example shows in the movie Pinocchio when the bad kids are seen playing pool.

Why was billiards shown like this?




  1. Rudolph Wonderone doesn't know why pool got a"bad name"

    during the depression days. "It don't make no sense, because it's a clean sport.They don't allow no drinkin' around the tables. I personally have never had a drink or a smoke in my life.

    I guess maybe the reason it got a bad name was that in the depression, everybody was supposed to work hard or starve. You weren't supposed to have no fun.

  2. it is a port that promotes gambling. it is usally played in bars  where all the things your mom told you to stay away from is there.

  3. I'm guessing its because pool and especially men's pool is associated with gambling, and hustling people out of their money.  And that is seeing as immoral to most.

  4. Guessing here, but I'd think it have to do with the fact that there is a strong history of pool sharks out there.

    Then there is the fact that it is a leisure activity that was frequently found in establishments where alcohol and smoking are found.  That tripple threat was then villified.

    Having leisure time itself used to be seen as being unproductive and lazy - even that has changed.

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