
How Come Vegans/ Vegetarians ASK SO Many Q's on Here -

by  |  earlier

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when they should know the difference between meat and non-meat, what is in their diet and what is not. Blah blah blah. LOL Why is this?





  1. Because this site is called Yahoo Answers. Which implies that people come here to ask questions....

  2. In the last hour you have asked 18 questions.

    I suppose people will have to decide for themselves whether the questions on this forum are less intelligent and earth shattering than  

    'Do you like chocolate?'

    'What are you listening to right now?'

    'Poll - myspace or facebook?'

    'How come my dog hates the lawnmower but not the vacuum?'


    I know what I think.

  3. Many are new vegetarians trying to learn.  

  4. Because most of the people who ask the basic questions about what they can and can't eat have been vegetarian for, like, half an hour.

  5. As lo_mcg pointed out, you have no room to talk.

    They are actually trying to reach the point of understanding something and you just ask questions for attention.

    Have another drink.

  6. Because that is what this forum is for.  They have a right to do it.  Your question doesn't even fit in this category.  

    It looks like you ask a LOT of questions too!

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