
How Come What Ever Color The Person Is That What Color They Think Thats What Jesus Color Is?

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How Come What Ever Color The Person Is That What Color They Think Thats What Jesus Color Is? Yes i know its the same Q. And It Long.




  1. He was a really dark-skinned fella.He was a jew in a desert.No sunscreen.Probably did not look like Ted.Black,maybe.Bible wasn't written until 50 years after the big boy died.Who Knows?I am white non-believer,by the way.

  2. Most don't.  I believe that Jesus probably resembled those in the middle east or the Egyptians.

  3. Well, since you DON'T know for sure, what makes you think he is what you think he is????

  4. Yup Ive noticed that lol! Well I'm white and I believe he was a little bit darker skin, like middle eastern people.  

  5. The color doesnt matter only the message.

  6. He probably looked like all the other Jewish people of that time.

    But I know what you mean.  The white people have a white Jesus in the picture in their home.  The blacks have a Black Jesus hanging on the wall, and the Latins have a latin looking Jesus.

    That was another thing that always confused me as a kid since the description of him in the bible doesn't fit the pictures you see painted or printed

  7. It's most likely the way they were raised. For example, Greeks (from the Middle Ages) made Jesus look Greek. The Italians made him look Italian. Nowadays, many in the African-American community make him Black. Personally, I believe he is more of a presence, a spirit of sorts. What you believe him to look like is your own interpretation.

  8. I don't think that your statement is necessarily true.  Anyway, it doesn't matter what color Jesus was.  All that matters is that we follow His word.

  9. in the bible it says his color is an olive color so thats what i believe

    in the bible it describes how he looks

  10. I believe Jesus' skin color was dark,like most Jewish men in Israel.

      I am white by the way.

  11. I dont know ,or do i care

    tGod bless

  12. Every intelligent person knows that Jesus was a Jew, which means He was neither black nor white. Jews have dark hair, darkish skin, and absolutely beautiful eyes.

    People view Jesus as their color because it helps them to make Him more personal to them.

  13. Wishful thinking I guess.  We all know the region He came too.  Nuff said.

    Just My Thoughts!

  14. I think only people who grow up with pictures of Jesus do this.  I didn't, and I've always assumed He was a normal looking Jewish man.

  15. People like to see Jesus in their own image for some reason. Probably the inspiration behind the hymn Some Children See Him... I tend to agree with the final verse...

    Some children see Him lily white,

    The baby Jesus born this night

    Some children see Him lily white,

    With tresses soft and fair.

    Some children see Him bronzed and brown,

    The Lord of heaven to earth come down;

    Some children see Him bronzed and brown,

    With dark and heavy hair.

    Some children see Him almond-eyed,

    This Savior whom we kneel beside,

    Some children see Him almond-eyed,

    With skin of yellow hue.

    Some children see Him dark as they,

    Sweet Mary's Son, to Whom we pray;

    Some children see Him dark as they,

    And ah! they love Him, too!

    The children in each different place

    Will see the baby Jesus' face

    Like theirs, but bright and heavenly grace,

    And filled with holy light.

    O lay aside each early thing,

    And with thy heart as offering,

    Come worship now the infant King,

    'Tis love that's born tonight!

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