
How Comes The Cervical Cancer Jab Is Only Offered To 12 - 13 Year Olds?

by Guest21525  |  earlier

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How comes girls aged 12 - 13 are being given a cervical cancer jab but girls 14 - 19 aren't?




  1. Because it basically is only useful if you are not already sexually active and have to been exposed to HPV (the virus that the vaccine is for and that causes 99% of cervical cancer). So 12-13 will be young enough to give them the vaccine before they have been exposed. 14-19 for a lot of girls is too late. Although I beleive you can go to your GP if you want to have it done and are not sexually active.

  2. If you mean the vaccine, I think its offered from age 9 to age 25.  I don't know why, as cervical cancer affects woman of all ages.

  3. Because the human paploma virus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer is carried by men and passed on by penetrative s*x, therefore it is assumed that girls of this age will still be virgins and will be given the vaccine before they become sexually active. Women who are already sexually active may already be carrying the virus and the vaccine will do them no good, the virus does not always present itself as cancer, genital warts come from this virus also. But it can also lie dormant and never cause any problems.

  4. If you are talking about the HPV shot I got it last year when I was 18.  It's ages 12 to 23 I believe.

  5. they will be but if you are sexually active then you have more than likely been exposed to the virus that causes cervical cancer already (im obviously not saying that you have it so dont panic). they are going to be doing a catch up in a few months where they will vaccinate the older girls in the schools. if you want to know more try reading this website -

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