
How Could December 21 2012 not be true?

by Guest66332  |  earlier

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How Can December 21 2012 not be true?

If the smartest people today and in the past all say it will in some way then how will it not? Like if there are so many different ways it just seems, inevitable

Ancient Mayan's said It was Earth's final day- and every other thing on their calendar came true

The Hopi Indians say that the earth will be purified.

Nostradamus says a devastating asteroid

The Chinese “I Ching” predicts the end of history

The bible says apocalypse

St malachy predicted only one more pope

Edgar Cayce predicts the return of atlantis

Albert Einstein says polar shift

NASA confirms intense solar storms are coming

Earth will complete its 26,000 year wobble

the sun will align with the plane of the milky way

Many people say war, volcanoes, earthquakes floods drought famine e.t.c




  1. Heavy Sigh....

    1. Smart people are wrong all the time, and besides who says these particular predictors were smart?  

    2.  It's just where the calendar ends.  Correlating that with the end of time is like correlating your money with the number of checks in your checkbook.  (insert blond joke here)

    3.  I imagine they did, but not on this particular date

    4.  Nostradamus is so cryptic and far out, that like my daily horoscope in the paper, I can fit just about any situation into the quatrain of your choice

    5.  See three above - same thing

    6.  See three above - same thing.  

    7.  We can only hope

    8. Oceans are rising not falling - got that one wrong

    9.  Einstein was a Physicist, not a Psychic.  He made no such prediction about the geology of the Earth, but the poles have moved and reversed many times in Earth's history - we're still here.

    11.  Every eleven years like clockwork.  But the next one is in late 2010 and early 2011, not 2012

    12.  Every single day, the precession wobble is exactly where it was at the same point in the last cycle which is about  25,800 years.  So you know exactly when it started?

    13.  Um, we are in the plane of the Milky way - That's why we see it 'on edge' in the night sky

    14.  Many people say that all the time because all that stuff keeps happening and much of it is sadly predictable.

  2. No, the smartest CON ARTISTS today say it will happen, so they can sell their books to gullible, fear-hungry dolts. Every one of the points you list is either completely fabricated or grossly misinterpreted.

    The Mayans did not say it was the earth's final day. It's just a new "b'ak'tun" (cycle) in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, like our centuries are a new "cycle" in ours (and remember how the doomsayers were whooping and crowing the same thing before the arrival of 2000?). They continued to record predicted dates beyond the end of their thirteenth b'ak'tun and never wrote any prediction that it would be the end of the world.

    I haven't heard anything about what the Hopi Indians say.

    Nostradamus is always - ALWAYS - reinterpreted from the strange and obscure poetic language he uses after the events he supposedly predicts - it's easy to have 20:20 hindsight.

    I-ching is not traditionally used for eschatology - this is a Western imposition on an Eastern fortune telling method.

    The Bible does not give ANY firm date for the apocalypse.

    St. Malachi predicted the fall of Rome with Peter II, not the end of the world. Many people have claimed to be Peter II over the years.

    Edgar Cayce was a con artist, and made no prediction about the return of Atlantis anyway.

    Albert Einstein was not a geologist or astronomer and said nothing about polar shifts. Geomagnetic polar reversals take thousands of years to complete, and are impossible to predict (so we're not "overdue" for one).

    NASA cannot predict solar activity very far ahead, other than following the usual 11 year sunspot cycle. Overall solar activity is actually on a slight downward trend right now, and has been since the 1960s.

    "Completion" of the Milankovitch cycle is entirely dependant on what point you choose as the "beginning" of that cycle. If you see someone running around a race track with no indication of where they started, how can you tell where on that track they complete a lap?

    The sun will not be aligned with the plane of the Milky Way - that makes no sense. Nor will it be aligned with the centre - it'll actually still be about 4 degrees out.

    You have been taken in by the lies of a bunch of shady conspiracy theorists and new-age charlatans who have cottoned on to an obscure date change in an obsolete historical calendar, then mined the h**l out of history, theology, astrology and any other field they can think of to find things that might possibly fit in with it (as long as you massage the figures and blur the details a bit), all so they can make money selling books about it. There have been thousands - THOUSANDS - of predictions of the end of the world throughout history, including at least two this year which have already passed, and guess how many of them have come true? Calm yourself down, don't let your blood-pressure skyrocket and your hair fall out worrying about the bogus "predictions" of a lot of gutless, amoral frauds who doubtless will be gloating over their bank books come December 22nd 2012, when they will move on to bilking people in some other way. Enjoy your life, and stop worrying about a lot of made-up nonsense.

  3. First of all, how the heck would the mayans know i mean they couldnt have predicted its a little too specific.

    Nostradamus was a moron and his predictions were so general that its not even funny. They were so general that he has to be right in some way, first he says the world ends in 2000 then if not then then 2005 or something the 2008 then 2012 blah blah...

    This story of the world ending has been manipulated so much, by every major prophet like Muhammad or moses and every other one have probably changed it.. and each religion changes it as well they manipulate it to fit their religion more, terror groups manipulate it and blame it on others to gain support to kill them. Tabloids and newspapers manipulate it so that you will buy their d**n paper.

    And the thing is yea people say many things will happen, but thats why its false i mean cmon, there are so many theories that its pretty much like people are just saying well we arent sure which way it will end so if we say every single way then we must be right lol.

    A polar shift? Big deal- so our toilets will drain the other way who cares,

    Yea by the way- we ALREADY HAVE major earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, tsunami's

    If the world is gonna end, it wont be because of some major cotastrophy(yet- if we keep polluting the earth then eventually yes) but if the world ends it will be because of dumb *** world leaders who for some reason need nuclear weapons to feel powerful,

    Asteroids? Thats what the atmosphere is for, it burns em up before they get here


  4. You know this particular interpretation has only been around for about 20 years. It was published in a book in 1986. There is massive room for interpretation of what the calendar means. For the nearly 2 thousand years since the beginning of Mayan civilization, there was no particular concern about the  year 2012.

    = The author figured out a way to cash in for about 26 years (1986 to 2012). He figured by then he could retire comfortably on the royalties.


    If you want to make serious money, start a religion.


    Your basic point that humanity has always been interested in the beginning of history and "the end of days". It's fundamental to human nature to wonder about beginnings and endings. In your list you've forgotten Ragnarok or the "Doom of the Gods" in the nordic sagas.

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