
How Did Everyone get into hockey?

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kinda bored..just thought i'd ask a question!?!?!?!?!? my grandma got me into hockey, don't ask me how but i was in 7th grade thats all I remember. Hockey is the greatest sport.




  1. My uncle got me into hockey. Whenever Id visit my grandparents, he'd have hockey night in canada on or be playing some hockey game on his sega genesis. From then on I've played and watched hockey whenever I can.

  2. Everyone got it from Canada - that's where it was created, and that's where Paul Henderson scored the winning goal against Russia way back when - well, back when Canada was actually good at hockey.

  3. my dad.

    he used to live in detroit, watched a little hockey there, then moved to toronto, net a guy who gave him free tickets to pretty much 1 game every week. that is when he really started liking hockey. this was all before i was born. he's kinda milded down now, i've sorta taken over as the ultimate hockey-lover of the house.

  4. I was called to try street hockey when I was 11. I sucked, so I volunteered to fill in as a goalie. I was good with my baseball glove and forward shin guards! From that point forward, I was hooked. I started watching the Wing's (my home state of MI's team), and the rivalry started that year with Colorado. Been watching ever since.


  5. Just being raised in Toronto. Everything's hockey. It can be a heat wave and you can get anyone to talk hockey with you.

  6. I used to sit and watch it with my Grandpa. He loved that and roller derby. He was the reason I really liked it. Then my fandom got another boost when the miracle on ice happened

  7. My grandma did.  She used to take me to almost every home ECHL game (Johnstown Chiefs) when I was little...starting around age 4.  I just come from a hockey family brother has been playing since he could walk.

  8. went to a Caps-Penguins game way back in the day (i was like 6 or 7).  The Penguins lost but i remember my uncle telling me to tell the caps fans we were with: 2 stanley cups!


  9. I got into hockey because I went to Canada and just saw how awesome it is and I am from England!

  10. I got into hockey when the Flames were in the 2004 playoffs. My friends told me that it was something everyone was into. I liked floor hockey before, but when she showed me a clip of the Flames playing Game 1,  I was immediately sucked in. Since then I have been a die-hard fan. HOCKEY IS THE BEAT SPORT IN THE WORLD!!!

  11. It's all my friend Sue's fault - when we moved to MI from UK, she took us to a Plymouth Whalers game, and I just wanted to see more.  It kind of grew from there, and is the only sport I've ever shown any interest in.

  12. My family got me into hockey.

  13. My mom used to watch it some (never my dad, just Mom) and because the Sabres were doing so well in the 98-99 season, she started not wanting to miss games, so she'd put them on instead of the usual evening Nickelodeon drivel that my 11 year old self and my 7 year old sister watched. She'd tell me and my sister who everyone was and how the game worked, and since Dad worked nights it got to be a "girls' night in" thing for us to eat dinner in the living room in front of the Sabres game. I went on a school trip to Boston during the Finals, and I can remember sneaking the TV back on after lights out in order to not miss a game. Sitting up until 2AM watching game 6, and that horrible heart-wrenching feeling that came from watching the Cup stolen the way it was sealed the deal for me. I had felt the highs and the lowest lows, and I was hooked for life.

  14. My grandfather was a diehard Bruins fan, so every time I went to Boston, we watched them together. He died when I was five, but I didn't stop watching hockey.

  15. In the 6th grade I sat next to a kid who played hockey, I was a skateboarder, he brought hockey magazines in all the time and talked about hockey incessantly. I began to watch the Red Wings, since I'm from the Detroit area, and fell in love with the sport. That was 20 years ago. I started playing when I got to high school, and continue to play. My dear wife refers to hockey as my ultimate passion. and both of my sons are named after hockey players. I LOVE HOCKEY.

  16. i wanted to go to blues fan fest 2007 when i was there  got tickets to the next nights game and i liked it.

  17. My family.

  18. My dad- always watching it and sort of (when I was 3) forced me onto skates.

    No regrets here- it may be the best thing he ever did for me.

  19. 1968 I was a sports nut from wyoming, 15 yrs old, never heard of hockey, we were moving to Chicago and happened to pick up a game on WMAQ in Chicago in the car, Lloyd Petit was the announcer, when the Hawks scored a goal it sounded like the building was gonna fall down, I said I gotta check this out, and got hooked real fast, there is no sport event more exciting than the Stanley Cup Playoffs,

    GO HAWKS, Oh they ain't playing, thats right

  20. The Miracle team in 1980 sparked my interest, plus we had a local University team that were national contenders, so we went to a lot of games.

  21. Watching older relatives go crazy in 96' when Stevie Y scored from the blue line in game 7 versus the Blues. Their reaction made me think, wow this must be pretty big, so I started watching the Wings.

  22. I am form Canada , Hockey is a part of life here .

    I played hockey , my son plays hockey ,

    I work in a business that makes hockey jerseys.

    I have a hobby making vintage goalie mask.

    I have a ball hockey rink in my basement ,

    I coach hockey ,

    I collect old hockey stuff .

    I spend most of the year watching hockey

    either on TV or at rinks , from minor to pro.

    I like hockey .

  23. My dad took me to Olympia Stadium to see the Red Wings play when I was 5 years old & I've been hooked ever since.

  24. I always enjoyed watching my younger cousins play hockey when i went to their games and everything.. but about a year ago i went to a highschool hockey sectional game with my friend to see her bf play and just being their in that moment and feeling the intensity and excitement just amazed me! ever since i have been watching hockey and throughout that i have became the biggest ranger fan ever <3

  25. Hey, I was in 7th grade when I got into hockey too. Some kids in my English class were talking about the Flyers chance to win their 1st Stanley Cup prior to the deciding game versus the Bruins.

    I was into football and baseball but hockey became my favorite sport almost overnight.

  26. My parents got me into Hockey. My dad played Hockey back in the USSR and later on in Russia. He plays in the beer league now.

    One day during the 2000 playoffs, I remember being bored, decided to see what my parents were up too.They were watching the Wings play the Avs (you can see where the influence comes from right away), and I got hooked on it. Been a Wings fan ever since, and a Jackets fan since day 1 when they came into the league later on in the year.

  27. When I was working at General Motors we had monitors on the line....the guys were watching hockey........I got sucked in.......been a fan since then and that was the mid eighties.

  28. Well I played roller hockey when I was young for fun then moved to street hockey for a year now ive been in ice for 2 years.

    Hockey is one of the greatest sports to play and its a man sport when you actually move up to the hitting stage.

  29. i'm from canada.

  30. Brother in law, he's from NH and used to play forward.

  31. OMG the mighty ducks!!

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