
How Did Hillary Clinton End Up Losing To Obama?

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Since all the experts now clearly agree Barack has caught, passed, and blown away Hillary for tommorow's Super Tuesday, Hillary supporters are left asking why they lost, why they're on the wrong side of history, and why the old-style mudslinging Clintons are now officially toast, and have nothing left to do except cry some more for the cameras, go to nursing homes, and die.

Hillary supporters...why did you lose? Why did she end up being the inferior candidate? Why were all of you wrong about her winning?

I'm just trying to understand it all




  1. He's a straw man to Republicans.  It's a national tragedy

  2. I hope that you are right.  I think America is ready for a change instead of the same old politics.  Barack is smart and a breath of fresh air.  I hope that he accomplishes everything he sets out to do.  America will be the better for it.

  3. "...all the experts..."

    Stop babbling - you're clogging up the servers at YA with your nonsense.

  4. They said the same thing in New Hampshire. She hasn't lost. You shouldn't believe the talking heads, they are paid by corporations to give opinions. Do you not see that media is trying to sway the vote by hyping up Obama. Do you really think that all of the people that were supporting Hillary which had her leading in the polls suddenly changed their mind and switched to Obama? The same media that is using Fox News tactics to try and swing the vote toward Obama will be the first ones to start digging up scandals on him if he wins the primary.

  5. The Obama family appears well-rounded and wholesome.  Hillary is a little strident and self-centered.  Besides, how could you ever trust a person who represented NY when she wasn't even from NY?

  6. Because people are stupid these days. It's a known fact. They get manipulated and fall for it. Just like how Hitler manipulated everyone and told everybody what they wanted to hear.

  7. You Had a huge % of african ameican voting. Leave it to Oprah lol

  8. It is not over till it is over anyhow,  The Clintons well you have to look through a smokey lense on a cloudy day and ignore the rain in order to se a view of them that you like... Besides one is clearly more charming, has more character, seems trustworthy and prettier than the other...

  9. We don't know until tomorrow, but I can also hear the democrats  crying along with her...

  10. Have you seen "Being There", the old Peter Sellers movie? Obama is so vague he becomes all things to all people. I've been looking for a reason to vote for the guy since I've become disenchanted with Clinton over the past couple of weeks. Saw him talking about how lobbyists have too much influence so I looked on his website to see what he was going to do about it. Nothing. Unless something changes by tomorrow, I'll hold my nose (as Mamma McCain would say) and vote for Hillary.

  11. "Blown away"?

    Last I heard, they were pretty even in the polls.

    Link to your source?

  12. If polls are to be believed, he has not passed her.  That racist ex-crackhead shouldn't hold any pubic office.

  13. Super Tuesday hasn't happened yet.... so stop speculating. In the meanwhile contemplate that Hillary is just as much one of the old white guys in Washington as the rest of them, and that Obama is the only one in the race who can really claim he's for change - he's young and his politics prove it.

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