
How Did You Get Your Toddler To Do #2 in the potty?

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My 2 1/2 year old has been using the toilet to go #1 as he says since he was 1 .. No Lie .. But I cant seem to get him to go #2 in the toilet for the life of me! He is very advanced .. starting walkin at 9 months .. rolling over at 4 months .. talking at 1 year of age .. BUT HE WONT GO POOPY!! What are some ways that you got your toddler to use the toilet. He wants nothing to do with a potty because he has been so used to using an adult toilet to pee .. PLEASE HELP!!




  1. Put him in undies.. That's all that worked for my 3 year old girls (niece and sister, I've basically raised them both). They hate the feeling of it. You have to clean up the messes for a while, but it doesn't take long for them to get tired of sitting in it. We put them in pull-ups at night, but days are only panties. We have accidents every now and then, but its very rare now.

    As for the potty issue, they LOVED it at first, but before long just wanted to get on the big potty like everyone else. We got a little potty seat to fit over the big one so they wouldn't fall in -- cute designs and all -- and set a step stool next to the toilet. The potty seat sits next to the stool, and they just set it on top when they go, so it works just like a little potty but they still feel like big kids. =)

  2. you can get under-seats to go on adult toilets. They sit on the toilet itself and the seat we sit on goes on top of it to hold in place.  They help alot coz with out them they think they are going to fall in the toilet. LOL.

    Ours was given to us so i dont know where to buy them from. hope you can find one.

  3. Patience. It is the only thing that worked with my son. He is 3.5 and is just now going #2 on the potty (most of the time).  My daughters were both completely trained by 2yrs old.  I think boys just take longer in this area!

  4. definately... if he goes number one than get him in undies. of course switch if you're going out or if he still isn't night trained. alot of kids go at the same time of day every day. I would try to intercept and of course shower gifts upon them once they did go. if he isn't regular try adding more fiber to his diet to help. and an adult toilet you say? is the "potty" the little one? there are inserts you can get that pop right onto a regular sized seat to make it the right size so it's more comfortable. good luck and remind yourself that this might be the one thing your son is slow to learn.

  5. how about straight bribery?? It worked for me and it happened quickly but it depends on what they like.  My son was mad for stickers of Thomas the Tank Engine, so every time he agreed to poo in the toilet he got a Thomas sticker.  I also game him a small chocolate (very symbolic!!) and gradually weaned him off the bribes (only giving one every second time etc) until he wanted to go to the toilet anyway.  

    Worked for both my boys!

    Good luck!

  6. from what i read a lot of parents find success in just taking off the diaper for part of the day... you might have to clean up a mess once and a while(but he already uses the toliet for #1 so thats less mess) try taking his diaper off around the time he usually poops and leave it off as long as u can.

  7. Our son was the same way and wouldn't do #2 till about 6 months after peeing.  We used a reward system, stickers and small dollar store prizes.  We have a poster on the bathroom door and he gets to put a sticker on it when he does a 2.  Then he can pick out a prize.  This really motivated him.  We also had a 'big boy' talk with him, and told him that big boys made poo poo in the  toilet.  Switch totally to undies also, and when they have the accident, don't change them right away, have them sit down for just a couple of minutes in it before changing them.

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