
How Did You Handle Your Last Aggressive Panhandler?

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How Did You Handle Your Last Aggressive Panhandler?




  1. Ignore them all.

  2. Said (loud) Hey Back Off - I don't have money either!


  3. They generally don't bother me because I kinda look like one myself when I go out.... not dirty or anything, just shabbily dressed.

  4. I just don't talk to them. I pretend like they're never there. It's hard to argue with someone who doesn't talk.

  5. i told him that if i dident have enough mony for the toll both i would come back.

  6. I don't usually stop for panhandlers but one day I was walking down Broadway during rush hour and saw this man sitting on a milkcrate in front of a bank and yelling into the crowd that he would drop his drawers right there in the street for just one dollar. I couldn't believe my ears but there was something about him as he didn't seem as destitute as most others I normally see and something in his voice just kinda struck me. I stood there smiling and was amazed that despite all the loud ruckus he made shouting into the crowds, not a soul seemed to notice him as they sped by like ghostly blurs in the background.  Was an odd moment as I felt like I was stuck between two worlds for a bit and he saw me standing there, smiling and looking around in amazement how no one seemed to notice.

    He grinned and had a great smile actually as he waved his arms about in the air like a magician might do just before he... picks up an old, wrinkled brown paper bag that was sitting beside him and from there proceeded to pull from it a brand new pair of boxer shorts doing this funny little hanky panky dance with them and then threw them at my feet. He made me laugh so hard that I shook his hand and gave him 5 bucks. I practically skipped the rest of the way home actually feeling wonderful and lucky just to have met such a character as he. It wasn't until later though that I realized what it was I recognized in that odd smile. I think he was actually more interested in putting on his little show than he was about the money.  Some peepholes just have this recognizable spirit common among them I guess.  I dunno.

  7. Threw a coke bottle at his head, stunned him, grabbed his cup of change and ran!!!

  8. I ran! He was cracked out or something, couldn't reason with the guy. It was in Atlantic City.

  9. Say "What part of the phrase "No thank you" do you not understand?"  That's when they've tried to flog me a Big Issue or something I don't want.

  10. Hit her with a frying pan.

  11. i love my clowns..and whom cares about

    Pots..we can afford   the cook,,

    you forget

      we are GREEK in the BLOOD

      And if it was not  for  our servitude

    you  would  starve,*

    you can dock  your ship.* on our  Corinith,*

      but  remember  

    no one  docks  on our  WAVES,


      as the  MOON,,*


    as  PUPPETS *

    IN THE control   of

      THY  fathers   diplomacies *


      independ=dance *

        AND  free we are *

      so lets  

    go to the MOON  ALICE *S  

    lupe  go inject  that  intoo *

      happy  [ JUNO ]  DAY *


    when are we going  to,, SHOW BOAT,*

       [LOVE YOU GUYS *

      GOT  A DATE,*

       TO FIX  


      psst,, been a long time *


    Above the knee,,  i fiqure   [cheap,,it would cost me *

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