
How Did You Know When You Had Found "THE ONE"?

by Guest34227  |  earlier

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What was it that made you say, I'm marrying that person....?




  1. I didn't care what anyone said about us(theres an age difference) We even had to run away to be together, then we came home and everyone accepted us. He's everything I've wanted, funny, cute, HARD-WORKER, sweet. I can be myself around him all the time! i wanted to have children with him.

  2. you love them even for their flaws. And they make you  feel like the most important person in the world and you can be yourself around them, and they feel the same way about you as you do for them :]

  3. well i married someone, but i guess he wasn't the one, we are separated now. so i still dont' know "the one"

  4. When I still got butterflies after 5 years of dating.  Then, he cheated and I sent him packing.

  5. When you find the right one, communication is easy. Everything flows easily. There are no struggles. It's as if you have known each other for many years. If it's difficult... or a struggle.... it's probably not "the one."

  6. My husband and I have been together since the first day we met.  I felt a connection with him that was different than I had ever felt with anyone else.  It was an unexplainable feeling that I literally felt "pulling on my heart"... We never really had to "try" or work at it.  We were just together everyday, ever since we met.

    He is my best friend.  We are inseparable.  I am not saying that we never fight or have problems, but we never stay mad at each other for more than 5 minutes--ever!  I can't imagine my life without him.  He is my true companion.  

    I know it sounds trite, but you do just "know".  When you meet someone who will do anything and everything for you, and you will do the same for that person...then, that person in the one.

  7. When we firt met, she said, "I'm the one!"   She was right.

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