
How Did the Jewish Life change after the destruction of the second temple?

by Guest64160  |  earlier

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How Did the Jewish Life change after the destruction of the second temple?




  1. thousands of Jews perished and elsewhere in the country, and  thousands more were sold into slavery.

    A last brief period of Jewish sovereignty followed the revolt of Shimon Bar Kochba, during which Jerusalem and Judea were regained. Three years later, in conformity with Roman custom, Jerusalem was "plowed up with a yoke of oxen," Judea was renamed Palaestina and Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina.

    Although Temple destroyed and Jerusalem burned, Jews and Judaism survived. The supreme legislative and judicial body, the Sanhedrin was reconvened in Yavneh (70 CE), and later in Tiberias.  small remaining Jewish community gradually recovered, reinforced by returning exiles. Institutional and communal life was renewed, priests were replaced by rabbis and the synagogue became focus of Jewish communities, as seen - remnants of synagogues found at Capernaum, Korazin, Bar’am, Gamla, and elsewhere. Halakhah served as the common bond among them and was passed on from generation to generation.

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