
How Do American people sustain their government war In Iraq?

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american In their country have abig war how ever when you come Down to city like utah they bring Imigrant and refugees from another country s for better life they Humillate and abuse them keep them slave and Home less at the street it's unusuall condition for them how do they sustain their g.v to spend eighty seven billion dollar ?




  1. By paying for it in taxes just like we do in the United Kingdom.

    Suliman you need education .

  2. By spending about 0.7% of it's GDP on the war, that's how.  (Using 2006 numbers).

    For perspective, in 2006, Americans paid Social Security taxes equal to about 4.52% the nation's GDP.

  3. Taxes

  4. We borrow tons of money from other countries and have politicians spend like drunken sailors.

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