
How Do Fish Get In Lakes? How Do Fish Get Into New Bodies Of Water?

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im serious. dont laugh lol. like theres this lake way out there.... its like WAY out there on a 500 acre lot nobody owns it but my town. nobody knows about it except like 5 people. well.... how did the fish get there? im serious. because its like a really small pond. ps i live in the country. im just wondering how the fish get there? did someone have to put at least one there? or is there other ways for fish to get to new bodies of water (but its not new anymore!!)




  1. Floods, tornadoes can lift the fish out and plop them down in a pond or lake, assuming the tornado sucked up quite a bit of water to with the fish. The fish eggs on birds talons I have seen before, as this question has been asked and answered countless times, and it is generally chosen as the best answer in most cases. Just one of mother natures little mysteries. How to bugs get in your room when you have a screen in the window too? Makes you wonder.

  2. There been instances in the history of mankind when objects, things have fallen from sky as rain, the pool might had a fish rain

  3. Actually, when water foul (ducks, geese, seaguls) land in a body of water, fish eggs often get stuck underneath their feathers.  Once they fly to another lake (such as the one you are talking about) the eggs fall off and then hatch.  Mother Nature takes it from there.  Enjoy!

  4. There are different ways fish can get in.

    - they swim there, either by rivers or underground connections

    - they get put there by people

    - (unlikely but still) they get 'dropped' by birds who caught them elsewhere, but let them slip.  This last one is as stated unlikely, but stranger things have happened.

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