
How Do I Clean Fire?

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Howdy, a small fire broke out while I was microwaving a condom as a bet during a game of truth or dare. Unfortunately, this fire was very dirty. Now my question is, what kind of cleaning supply should I use to clean this fire. The Windex only made it grow larger. Should I use Pine Sol or regular soap to clean the fire. Also is my microwave safe to use again after it has been engulfed in flames? thank you very much. I need a quick reply. My parents come home tomorrow from Wales.




  1. is this a joke?  you can try PUTTING THE FIRE OUT WITH WATER. how can fire get dirty anyways?

  2. use a degreaser to try to clean it and if that doesn't work, the best bet would be to paint over it with the same color.  

  3. You probably could not use the micro again.  I think it would be a little bit of a fire hazard.  Try to use a putty knife if the condom melted on the glass turn table.  But really there is no use in cleaning it since you won't be able to use it again.  I wouldn't even put fourth the effort and just tell the 'Rents that you accidentally melted a plastic bowl in the microwave and didn't know it and it caught on fire a Little.    
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