
How Do I Connect My Nintendo DS To My Wireless Router?

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I Have A Sky Wireless Router And I Have To Put A Load Of Numbers Into My Ds For It To Work But Then It Still Wont Work .. Why Not?




  1. The Sky Wireless Router uses WPA encryption.

    The Nintendo DS supports only WEP encryption.

    So the two aren't compatible,

    You can change the Sky Wirelss Router to WEP... Sky provides a document for this called the "Wireless Troubleshooting Guide" which you should have received with your Sky documentation.  If you can't find it, contact Sky and ask for another copy.

    If you can't find the document, someone who's a little computer-savvy should still be able to do the changes... point your desktop web browser to HTTP:// and username "admin" password "sky" and you should be able to see the configuration options.  You can turn off WPA encryption and turn on WEP encryption.

    Provided that the WEP encryption code you entered on the Nintendo DS and in the Sky Wireless configuration are the same, yoou should then be able to make a connection.

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