I have not been able to get regular lunch breaks on my job. I work as an Executive Assistant in a brokerage company that want EAs to work from 9 to 5 with a one-hour lunch period. Overtime is suppose to be pre-approved by the brokers who rarely want to approve it.
This has almost never applied to me. For 8 months, I have rarely gotten a full lunch break and have worked plenty of unpaid overtime. I have e-mails which show me working past 5:00 p.m. - sending files, answering inquiries etc.
Also, my former boss knew I was of Italian ancestry and made references to such stereotypes as "goombahs" and "horse's heads"
Obviously, I am looking for another job and could be laid off but in the meantime, does anyone have any advice? I have been documenting incidents etc. I have complained to the office manager but she is like Mary Poppins...
What should I do at this point?
Thanks much.