
How Do I Find A College I Would Like?

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For a kid like me who doesn't want to do sports and who is undecided about his major, how would I find a college I like? All of my friends have a list of favorite colleges and I have like 2 by default... :\




  1. Research schools and go visit their campuses.  

  2. During a long weekend or vacation, go on a road trip and visit the colleges that your friends like, maybe you would like them too. Also, depending one where your college is, all colleges are pretty much the same, for example, if you have a mid-western college choice, try other colleges like that, like Madison, or Illinois, or Michigan, etc.

  3. when i was in the same situation i just looked at what i wanted. Did i want to be close to home?.. or far away? did i want to know people or start a new friendship ... then i looked at cost.. could i afford it... then i just started to apply to places some instate, some out of state... and the one that won was the one that gave me more scholarship money. i know that sounds awful. But i love my choice. i talked to some poeple that go there before i finally registered and they enjoy their school.

  4. Consider what is realistic for you financially and academically. If you are this indecisive, I would recommend a public four-year school for starters.  

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