My husband has a baby from a previous woman and we have been fighting for her since the day she was born! She is a horrible mother, has 2 other children she doesnt have placement of. We have been to court with our lawyer (we want to fire!!) 3 times... All because she is in contempt of every court order! she refuses to let us see her, only when its suitable for her and nothing is being done!!! she is very dirty and clothes are always dirty (and ugly OLD) we try to get the police involved because of the court order and they just tell us to take her to court! The Lawyer doesnt do anything and seems to me that I do all his work... I document as much as possible(alot) and we keep all text messages and weve even voice recorded her. I dont know if we can take this stuff to court or even what to do, People this isnt even 1/2 of everything... This woman is a horrible mother and we need help! what do we do? We are awaiting the 3rd court date just for "make-up" days. That We Never Get!!! PLEASE!!