
How Do I Gain Strength In Boxing..?

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I Am Boxing...


...How Do I Gain Strength, And Speed

Also How Do I Put On Muscle Without Body Building When Boxing..?





    WIthout body building??

    You must fitness and do some practice

  2. Its all about spirit and stamina bro!

  3. There is a whole wealth of information on this site that should be of some help.  

  4. To succeed in Boxing you need to be as toned as possible. Essentially certain weight training techniques will increase your strength and stamina, such as Pyramid reps where you start of at the heaviest you can do 12 reps and gradually decrease the weight until you cant do anymore of that exercise. Only work two muscle groups a day and don'tt go back to that group to exercise it without one days rest in between e.g. Triceps and Biceps, Deltoids and pectorals, quads andcalf'ss. It's important to not train seven days a week always having one day a week off to let new muscle grow and just to unwind. Your speed will come the more you work on technique and it flows through you. Work on certain combo's until you know them like the back of your hand and again, the leaner you are the quicker you'll be. Admittedly speed can be a natural quality to some sportsman. Good luck with your training and let me know if you get any success

  5. Go to this guy will show you all you need to know to get fit, fast and strong for the ring

  6. The best way(s) to get strength in Boxing are pretty much the easiest ways. Muscle endurance is important. The way for this is to do your regular roadwork,(running) and light to moderate weight training. When I say moderate I mean don't use too heavy a weight in the gym. Use a lot of reps for shoulders, back and arms. I never lift weights more than 2 times a week. But the best way to increase power in your punches is to just simply workout on the heavy bag. I don't know what your size is but I'd start out on a lighter weight bag, then down the road move up to a 100 lb bag. Throw as many hard shots into as you can! I'd go with 3-4 rounds to begin with and work your way up to 10-15 rounds for stamina. Working out on a heavy bag is much better to shape and strenghten all your muscles for fighting. I workout on the bag 5 days a week usually log in 30-40 rounds. Trust me within a month you'll see an incredible difference in your muscle size, tone, and endurance. Good Luck

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