
How Do I Get A Child To Quit Baby Talking And Quit Haning On Her Dad Shes 12 Years Old?

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She Only Sees Her Dad Every Other Weekend




  1. I'm guessing you're divorced, maybe when she was little. It's probably more his problem to deal with since she only does it with him. You could tell her that she's not a little kid anymore and she should act more grown up. Tell her people will take her more seriously if she acts her age instead of like a baby.

  2. nothing

  3. You Don't Have To Capitalize Everything.

  4. If your daughter is still talking in baby talk at her age, then she needs to be medically evaluated to find out what's causing this. Suzanne is right- this is a major red flag- and a sign of a whole list of mental and emotional disorders, not to mention some learning disabilities. At 12, your daughter should be mature enough by now that she doesn't need to hang on to her dad in such an unhealthy way. Is there any chance he could be abusing her? This kind of behavior is sometimes associated with physical and sexual abuse and molestation, and that's another reason you need to take your daughter to the doctor. Lastly, I would also be concerned because your daughter is old enough to have started or be starting her periods now, and she may have emotional issues relating to growing up and becoming a woman. It's common for girls to be scared of menstruation and what it means, especially in the beginning- and talking in baby talk may be her way of trying to cope with these fears.

    If your ex husband is not the cause of your daughter's issues, then someone or something else clearly must be. Is there anyone else in her life who could be harming or abusing her in some way? Is she being bullied in school, or online, and could she be resorting to baby talk as a way of trying to cope with it? You need to find the answers to some of these questions.  

  5. ok ever heard of daddy's little girl and as far as the baby talk: would you rather her dancing around like a mini little britteny spears or talking like a baby and being a daddy's girl?

  6. Yes she sounds like daddy's lil gal it was like tat with my little miss now 5 last year its just how she is coping with the whole thing i guess all we both had to tell her was we don't like it and it not helping her much took us about 3 months  

  7. If she acts like a baby treat her like one.

    Spank her!

  8. Just don't answer when she baby talks.  She is asking for attention.  You might want to find out what is bugging her.  My step daughter believed right up until her Dad and I divorced and he started seeing another woman that somehow her Mom and Dad would get back together and remarry.  This was years later.   She wanted it so bad that she made many problems for herself.

  9. Wow, that's ridiculous! But it's not you that has to put a stop to it, it's her father. And unless he enjoys or commends that behaviour, he should put a stop to it right away. By allowing her to act that way at her age, it's letting her think it's okay when she is too old to be baby talking. Heck, my son is 3 and I tell him to quit when he baby talks. Best of luck to you, I am glad you can see that it's not right.

  10. Well, she hangs on to her dad because she doesn't see him much. I have no idea why she baby talks. And you don't have to capitalize every word.

  11. I think you need to talk to her calmly and tell her your feelings. If that doesn't work, try an intervention with her friends, and her family. My guess is she misses her dad a lot, so maybe she could plan more time with him. Maybe her dad could tell her he doesn't like her baby talking and hanging on to him.

    I hope that helps!

  12. tell her you're 12 years old and she sounds like a 1 year old. if she hangs on her dad she probably does it because he babies her or spoils her. you should confront her father about that.

  13. Who Are You? And Why Is It Your Business?

  14. You need to find out why she does that.  Honestly, that's not a good sign.  In fact, it's a major red flag for something specific.

  15. WTF you wanna do that I think Youre meddling into not your affair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  16. She's daddy's little girl let her be.

    She will stop baby talking on her own as she grows...relax.

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