
How Do I Get Into Doing Charity Work In India/Africa?

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im only 20 yrs of age..working full time but not in a job that i want to at this stage where i dnt know what i wanna do..but i do really like the idea of taking time out to do charity work overseas. i just really dont know where to start, how much money i need to save up who i contact..basically i need all the advice possible to help me make this happen..thanks guys! x




  1. Contact Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) ! They are based in Putney, London SW15 ! They will be able to answer ALL your Questions/Querys about Voluntary Overseas !

  2. write to Oxfam as they are always working with underprivileged countries. Usually its just a flight out and back you have to pay for and your accommodation and food comes free. Everybody mucks in as that is what voluntary work is about. Contact your local charities/schools/colleges/hospitals and they may Spenser you to get to your chosen country and make sure you contact your local paper because they ask for help and run your story free. Good luck!!!


    The above are a reputable group. Quite pricey though.

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