
How Do I Get My 5 Year Old To Quite Swearing ?

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I have A 5 year Old Who Is From A Other Guy And He Would Swear Around Her And She swore at My Mom & I Had To Spank Her For That And I Felt Really Bad But I Dont Know Wut To Do For This So Anything Would Help




  1. Using soap in the mouth is considered child abuse by CPS so if you do so and your daughter tells someone about it (especially at school) they will be by law obligated to report it to CPS and your daughter will be removed from your home.  You are making the problem worse by hitting your daughter for something she learned in her home.  It is not her fault that her Bio father used foul language around her and yet you are hitting her.  Unless you want a child who curses AND hits I suggest you stop hitting her because that is what YOU are teaching her.  I suggest time outs, you get to her level and tell her "we don't talk like that in this house" and after 5 minutes you take her out and repeat "we don't talk like that in this house" and require her to apologize for the langauge.  Why would you eve think of hitting your child for something she was taught?  That's like hitting her for learning how to read.  

  2. time out . find a chair not near tv or toys anything and if she swears she has to sit in the chair . now for five would be five minutes . and next time do the same . now if she goes a day without swearing give her a treat special video or cookies park anything and tell her that was for being goood girl and not swearing . . if every time she swears you tell her that is bad and she has to sit in a chair away from everyone and everything she will stop this .  

  3. My parents always put soap in our mouths if we swore or stuck out our tongue.  I learned after the first time.  It took my sister a few times, but she learned eventually too lol.  Tell her its disrespectful.  Tell her you know she's smarter than to have to use such foul language and to please find a better word to use and a better way to express her anger.  If it keeps up take things away for every swear word she uses such as tv time, toys, games, or any other privilege.  Time out is a good form of discipline too (one min. for every year old she is).  Good Luck!

  4. A bar of Ivory worked for me. Unscented Dove is also very mild, but both brands was the swears out of the mouth!

    Hopefully you can come up with another method before you get that far. Good luck!

  5. First of all, anyone swearing around her needs to stop now.  That is the bulk of your problem.  Then, sit her down and tell her that you don't use dirty words, I'm sure she knows what is not supposed to be said and that it is not ladylike to talk that way.  

  6. somebody around here needs to stop swearing. kids at this age will imitate everything.

  7. Who is she learning it from?? Kids are like sponges, they soak up everything they hear at that age. So whomever is swearing around her needs to stop right now. She is old enough to understand that swearing is inappropriate behaviour, so you need to make sure she understands that and discipline her for every time she swears from here forward. You can discipline her by taking away privilledges every time she swears, tv, computer, park time, dessert etc....

  8. Kids are looking for a reaction when saying them. Just ignore her and eventually it won't be fun for her anymore. Or just calmly tell her its not a nice word. And teach her alternative words to use like darn, shoot, ect.

  9. Well, a girl at my church started saying the s word because her dad ran into something and yelled s**t!  what he did to fix it was he ran into a wall and yelled "Oh, baloney sandwich!"  And she thought that it was a bad word.  So she went around saying baloney sandwich and forgot all about the other word.  It is the alternative to sticking soup in her mouth or spanking her!  

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