
How Do I Hunt Down Ghost?

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I'm getting a bit into ghost hunting now,along with collecting Pez,and star wars action figures,forgein lands,and other stuff,but anyway,How do I ghost hunt?I know how to get EVPs and special pictures with infer red and stuff,but i don't know how to actually catch a ghost,My plan was to first talk to it,if it was nice,I'd let it live with me,if it was evil,I'd try to calm it down,if calming it down didn't work,THEN i attack!But I don't know how to even catch one,would a ordinary vacuum cleaner work?Or do I need special equpiment?I'm clueless...




  1. Been watching Ghostbusters, huh?

  2. Sounds to me like perhaps you should stick with collecting Casper, Ghost Busters, and Scooby_Doo items (some have greatly increased in value).

    However, if you want to actually educate yourself about the methods for investigating ghosts and hauntings I suggest starting with the two books below.


  3. I dont think you can actually catch a ghost only send them on their way to the other side ti ghost hunt you can start at a cemetary using a camera and take random pictures then go to homes where you know the people and ask them if you can do some ghost hunting in their homes if they think there is some paranormal activity to get an EVP recorder you will have to search the net for the equipment you need.Have fun ghost hunting

  4.  will answer all your questions

  5. I have to say that by the tone of your question, you are not taking the idea of paranormal investigations seriously.  As a sensitive and an investigator, I do feel that it is my responsibility to warn you of the liablities involved.

    First for the earthy side of it.  It is not a cheap hobby.  You will aquire different pieces of equipment along the way  and some can be quite expensive.  You must be serious and learn to use the equipment properly, or you may as well use the money for bathroom tissue and flush it down the loo.  

    Serious investigations should be held with at least one other person and regardless of who owns the property or how tempting the rumors of must have permission in writing to investigate.  People who do not heed that advise have been jailed.

    You must be willing to accept that not all things are paranormal and that everytime you seek, you will not find.  

    Most groups who investigate select members based on age.  There are liabilities involved with taking minors on an investigation.  Our group has worked hard to establish a good working relationship with our community as most others have as well.  Most would agree that paranormal investigations are not for the young ones.

    It is hard to be serious when you are not to that point in your life where these things really matter.  So lets just ask the question...what would you do if you did have an encounter a ghost that was not benevolent..what would you do?  To do the wrong thing could lead to devasating results.  How would you protect yourself?  It is kinda like asking, if you went to the zoo and could catch a tiger by the tail..whatcha gonna do now that you caught him....see where I am going with this?

    This was obviously meant to be a witty type question, but for anyone else out there who would like to do some paranormal investigation, my suggestion would be to find a group in your area and apply for membership.

    To go off to "ghost hunt" with such a glib attitude would only be folly.  Not to mention that you make a mockery  out of all the people who in earnest try to prove ghost and spirits do exist.

  6. It's not a game..and nothing to play around with . If you plan to do it need to be serious about it. If you "catch"'ll be the first to do it.(Unless you plan on getting possessed. That way you "catch " it inside your body.)

  7. What did the poor ghost to you.  Leave the ghosts alone.

  8. Ghost hunting as it is generally called is not actually about the type of hunting like what we do with wild animals. And yes, it is not a game and should never be considered a game. It is more on historical investigation, data gathering and documentation. You cannot catch a ghost and contain it like a collection of some sort. They have to be led to the proper dimension where they are supposed to belong. If it is a restless soul you'll be dealing with, there is a big chance that you'll experience a violent behavior (they hunger for justice about inhuman experiences wherein they had became victims). Only when a restless soul is convinced that justice had been served will they be calmed down and be willing to leave our world. If you really are interested in ghost hunting, go with a group which is officially recognized to handle such activity. Ghost hunters are more appropriately known as spirit questors.

  9. The only way to catch a ghost is on film.  Get a digital camera and go to a haunted place and start snapping at least 400+ pictures. You can even do this in your own home as you might have  souls that watch over you that know you.

  10. Having been a Paranormal Examiner since 1980, I've heard this question quite a bit.

    First off:  Contrary to what was shown in the  "Ghostbusters" films (those movies set Paranormal Examinations back 20 years!)...I know of No System capable of "catching" a "ghost".

    We do not possess the technology to capture a Energy Field that is in a constant state of Flux, and that does not obey the Laws of Physics as we know them.

    When we conduct an Examination, we approach with the premise of Disproving (I.e.:  "de-bunking") the Reported Activity.If something is detected, then we examine the area further with more advanced equipment.  

    After the Examination is concluded, we then Analyze the different mediums that we have utilized (Digital and Analog Audio, Digital and Film photo, Digital and Film Video, EMF and Temperature  Fluctuations,  and Thermal Imagery.  If we have something "solid", we don't usually know it until this stage is complete.

    To sum it up, We don't hunt "ghosts"...we seek the Truth about alleged Paranormal Activity.  And we sure don't try to "catch" a "ghost" would be next to impossible.

    Hope this helps answer your question.  Good Luck!

  11. It really depends on whether the ghost would just go though you, or if it could actually harm you.

    If it looked nice, then you should help it find out why it's stuck in our world, and help it solve it's problem, so it's able to go into the light.

    If it's evil, you should run for your life.

  12. astral projecting is good i did it once i thought i was dreaming but no i was astral projecting my problem is i don't always remember when i astral project but i would recommend it to every body and honey you can not catch the ghost it lives on other plane of existence you can only chase it out even that is hard specially the bad ones good luck

  13. penguinelover 321,never have I hunted ghosts, but first place to start maybe a CEMETERY @ MIDNIGHT,yep ah good place to start!!!

  14. For the love of all you hold dear don't go off with no guidance- real guidance not the kind you get here but someone you can meet up with and who understands this field. There is NOTHING stupider then dabbling in the occult because bad things happen to people who don't know what they're doing!

    You can find groups in your area here!

    Good Luck!

  15. You certainly are.Remember if there were such things.Ghosts would be people.Dead but they're still people.Hunting,catching or attacking them for personal amusement.Well,that would be wrong.

  16. join T.A.P.S and go on the show Ghost Hunters. that would answer your question.

  17. you can not hunt GHOST. they hunt you.

  18. If you are really serious you should be warned of the serious consequences of non professional ghost hunting such as possession..collecting info and tapes of ghostly situations might be more up your alley at this time being clueless can be dangerous ..listening to recounts ofghostly experiances on line might give you more of a clue..ask us about that I have a doozy

  19. You cannot catch a ghost. That is only in fantasy movies. You can get EVP, Pictures maybe if you are patient but mostly you will just have to be happy with seeing a ghost or having some kind of experience.

    I almost did not answer this as I feel it is not a serious question.


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