
How Do I Keep My Body From Burning Muscle Mass (10 points)?

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Hey, I'm a sophomore, male. How do I keep my body from going into a catabolic (muscle-burning) state at school?

Protein is needed every 3 hours to keep your body from burning muscle mass. At 6 a.m. I'm going to have a high-protein breakfast, and school starts at 7:35 a.m. I don't have lunch until around 1:30 p.m.

What can I do? I would have Casein in the morning, but that will be too much protein, on top of my breakfast, to digest at once.




  1. get a creatine product and put it in a drink and take that with you its good for building muscle so it should be good for this situation

  2. B4 i answer ur question, ill just comment about the last bicep workout question u had.  Dont do high reps, but medium reps (8-12), of course u did say ud do this rep range if it didnt work, but i just wanted to say that that range is considered medium haha.  And u will be working slow twitch (type I), but u will also be significantly working the fast twitch (type IIa and IIx) near the end.  This is y ppl go to muscle failure.  Nearing the end of the set, ur type I will almost be completely fatigued, and the body will start recruiting type IIa then IIx.  It always uses the smaller fibers first (type I), then goes to the larger ones.  Even when going very heavy, the type I fibers r recruited first.  Always try to use the maximum amount of weight that allows u to fail in the rep range ur aiming for.  So by going light, u will not be significantly stressing the larger fibers.  Nething over 12 reps is worthless for mass.  Of course, there r always times to go lighter: recovering from injury or when ur starting to get overtrained, its good to take time off or do a week or 2 of light weights.  This is very important.  Do not go to muscle failure every single set, week after week, month after month, year after year.  U will be overtrained.  Studies show that going to failure for a few months, then doing a month or 2 of close to failure is good for staying away from overtraining.

    Now for this question, i always hated this when i was in high school.. The teachers were motherfuckers with eating in class and between classes so i always had to hide it or duck in the bathrooms (lol everyone was sneaking in the bathroom to smoke and there i was eating).

    There r many ways around this tho.  Buy some protein bars and snack on them at one point, a turkey sandwich is good, egg whites r the best (bc of the protein content and they can stay outta the fridge for a couple days), bring a whey shake to school and chug that down at one point, buy a couple things of white milk at school (milk is 80% casein), natural peanut butter is good bc the fat will slow down the absorption, nuts r easy to snack on (thats wat she said) preferably unsalted nuts, etc.  Nething thats easy to carry around is worth eating and will save u precious, hard-earned muscle.  We work way too hard to gain muscle to lose it b/c schools think everyone can go 5 or 6 hrs without eating.  I used to do all these i mentioned and some more but its been over 6 years so i cant remember all of em.

    Also, just a little FYI, protein is not needed every 3 hours so the body will not enter catabolic state.  Its different for every meal and every person.  It all depends on what u eat mainly.  The glucose content, protein type, fat content in food, etc.  Casein has been known to stay in the stomach for up to 6 or 7 hours.  So that means a slowly released anti-catabolic nutrient.  Of course the release time depends on the cellular components of the casein protein.

    And for ur breakfast, if u would take in casein, that wont be too much protein.  Unless ur taking in 200+ grams at that time.  Ive heard so many myths about the body can only absorb 40-50g at a time but thats all bullshit.  I couldnt tell u the amount but its way more than that.  A good hint that i like to do is as soon as u wake up, take in about 20-30g of whey (do not use milk to mix, use water) and a banana.  Since ur in a catabolic state upon wakening, the glucose from bananas will cause an insulin spike and force the glucose and protein into the muscle to take u outta catabolic state.  After about 15-30 min, then have ur whole food meal.  If u do not have the time for this, then i would suggest taking ur casein shake with the meal (or after) or taking it to school with u, as well as some of the other options listen earlier.  Do not worry about ur body not being able to take in that much protein.  the majority of ppl  in this world cannot eat that much protein at one meal.

    good luck, train hard and eat big

  3. Carry a protein bar or other portable food with you and eat it in between classes.  

  4. eat a good breakfast yea at say 9-930 have a snack protein bar i bring a pure protein bar it's got 20g protein in 180cals it's tasty too! um nuts are a good idea dont buy roasted though i just learned they are bad or bring a shaker with casien and have it like randy said tha'ts not a bad idea what im doing

    eat breakfast 630

    snack at school (fruit and nuts) 930

    Lunch (two milks a ham sandwich or w/e meat and something else)

    after school snack before soccer fruit

    after soccer protein bar

    works for me but since u dont got soccer maybe u could have a protein bar at 930 ish eat between classes ur not gonna get it down exactly to 3hrs u know no worries it wont have bad effects as long as ur eating good but 6 to 130 is too long have at least 1 snack in between def protein bar or shaker with casien

  5. see i

    bought 3 pounds of raw almonds for like 15 bucks at a store

    i just bring a ziploc bag with me every day and put like 3 handfulls in it eat them during class

  6. Okay, what I do is normally take a baggy of high protein cereal, usually Kashi GoLean. You can also take an energy or protein bar too. Or if you dont wanna do that, I've taken my shaker with protein powder in it with me, then when it is time ill go and fill it with water by the bathroom and drink it.

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