
How Do I Learn Martial Arts?

by  |  earlier

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I am eleven years old and i need to learn martial arts for self-defense teach me things and tell me the ways and where i can understand more of what your saying please teach ME.





  2. you can take karate class.

  3. best advice is to join a class near to where you live.

  4. Number one you are not supposed to be on here at your age and should probably be reported, however i wont. I am going to treat this as a serious question and give you a serious answer.

    Youth today, mainly thanks to the internet, want it now. they think they should be able to learn anything instantly of of the internet. Fact is you can't learn martial arts this way.

    To become really good at martial arts you need the following:

    1) An  instructor that can teach you and correct any mistakes that you make.

    2) Live partners to train with that can resist you and make sure that what you are doing works.

    3) Repating a motion thousands of times so that it becomes part of you, so that you can actually do it when you need it.

    Anything that people tell you on here will not help unless you practice it many times with a resisting partner. When you do get in a fight you will never remember it or be able to do it correctly unless you have trained it this way. This is one area where there are no shortcuts, the only way to get good is to be taught right and trained well.

    If you have already talked to your parenst, chances are you di not present a good case. Go online(not here) and find some information about martial arts, and all the benefits it can give you besides self defense. Next show this to your parents, and talk in a calm manner, don't let emotions get involved. Tell them exactly why you want to take it.

    I suspect you just watched never back down or red belt.

    Ialso wonder why you asked this question not too long ago. It would seem to indicate that you are already training.;...

    I suspect troll

  5. LOL. Take classes wow. Did a bully say he was gonna beat you up? lol/

  6. Lets see... I'm going to guess you've already asked you're parents but they refused, probably since you had failed to mention that person who is beating you up. And now, you feel the urgency to learn how to defend yourself. And since you didn't get the support from your parents you are looking to the only other source of "reasonable" knowledge... The internet...    This is all speculation, of course...

    Outside of this... I'm going to go ahead and say a martial arts class would be your best bet...

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