
How Do I Look More Emo At School?

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I'm just going into year 8, the uniform is black skl shirt, black trousers, no make-up, any bag, any black shoes. also is there any cheapish good makeup 4 out of skl? thx




  1. I wouldn't buy an MCR bag unless you like them.. because there not emo, and every fan knows that. Band stuff is good tho.

    But wear eyeliner. Black hair.. pink clips is usually good. If you dont like pink, buy stuff with stars on them.

    Hope it helps. :D

  2. Well, even if you can't wear make-up, wear make-up.

  3. ive just come out of year 8

    there is no need to wear make up at that age

    i mean a little bit of mascara wont hurt but there is no point

    at my school you are not aloud illuminating streaks/highlights in your hair.

    if you wear make up that's quite visible you have to rub it off..

    so ike the rules say..don't wear heavy make up.

    its not begin goody goody....good luck

  4. Umm... okay I don't really encourage emo-ness but what the h**l

    just dress all black I guess...

    do your hair emo (type in emo hair in youtube)

    guess you cant do anything for makeup so leave it.

    have fun being emo =|

  5. I would get some black nail polish and get some black converse, but wear them a lot and get them really grungy. and then when you do wear makeup, go with heavy black eyeliner and eye shadow.

  6. get little black ballet pumps preferably with skulls on them and a bag with skulls on it. Also die your hair black and get a big fringe covering alot of your face. For out of school you just need a black eyeliner with lots of mascara.  

  7. MAC mascara and lots of eye liner

  8. Hmm...cant help much, I have to wear a BLAZER and kind of TARTAN skirt kilt thing in my sucks...but are you allowed skinnies? and put badges on your bag or top and wear vans or converse...

    hope this helps :)


  9. alot of eyelinger dark lipstick or lipgloss and alot of mascara

  10. Cut yourself

  11. mac mascara, if u r allowed hot pink streaks, a chain to ur skul pant and a straight side cut.

  12. Well dye you hair black get a side fringe get one of those jack skeleton hair clips or a hello kitty one.

    Buy some Emily the strange shoes. Get a back with skulls or stars on.

    Go punk or goth its much more daring than emo hah!

  13. i have the same problem, its SO annoyin...

    get your hair cut into a side fringe and really really choppy, back comb your hair or something for a more extreme look or just straighten it.

    If u cn dye it black and thn put in a really really bright bow or hair band like neon pink.

    just get a plain bag and get LOADs of badges and shove them on this way u dont just blend in and have a band bag one will have the same bag as u =]

    EVERY skl says u cant wear make up but everyone does ..just keep it down a bit ..paler foundation and eyeliner.

    miss sporty is good and cheap.



  14. eyeliner

  15. blue banana :)

  16. just look like the biggest ugliest self-obessed moron on the plant :)

  17. By a bag of your favourite band ie. My Chemical Romance bag. Except I'd advise you didn't buy a My Chemical Romance bag because then your being what I like to call Stereotypical Emo. Emo is about being individual (Sceneish Emo not slit your wrists emo) so find a band that you like that say not many other people do. You could get streaks in your hair or if you don't want anything permanent go for hair extensions in wacky colours. I'd advise blue, red, pink etc. Although I personally think people change more in Year 8. Year 7s settle in, year 8's have time to develop their personality and interests before year 9. All my friends changed dramatically in year 8 so maybe don't become extreme Emo until you've made up your mind. Many of the begining Emo year 8s are finding it hard to get out of.  

    BUT THE NUMBER ONE RULE! :) I seriously can't stress this enough. Be yourself! Don't be emo because your friends are or because you want to be "cool" That's the rule I learnt in year 8. I'm year 9 now and still have alot to learn but I'm glad a learnt that at the tender age of 12. :)

  18. you could cut yourself thats always works.

    cry black tears in school.

    and tell everyone who doesn't care about you how your life sucks.

    for makeup use charcoal around your eyes it is way cheaper.

    cut your own hair too.  

  19. just be creative wear badges and hair clips maby get some coloured streaks in your hair but be careful..i got bright blue in my hair and got suspended for 3 days :[


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